1. They’re designed to stop puberty, prescribing them at 18 is not going to prevent puberty. They’re prescribed at the onset of puberty for obvious reasons. However....(1/n)
3. Hormones are only prescribed at 16 or older, when the young person has been on blockers for at least a year. (2/n)
10. To summarise: the case against GIDS is deeply flawed and could have far reaching consequences beyond trans care. (End)
Transition: books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr…
Breast reconstruction: buff.ly/2AQ9RkE
GIDS procedures and practices: gids.nhs.uk
Gillick Competence: nhs.uk/conditions/con…
Contraceptive pill: nhs.uk/live-well/sexu…