For some things they are great. For some things they are not. If it helps your use case: great! If not: don't be trendy to be trendy. Do what makes sense. Don't blindly follow any crowd.
Deploying to Azure? Client-hosted? Appliance? All great cases. Our production web tier? Not so much. Because it doesn't make sense there for now.
What are the wins? Deployment? For something we don't deploy that often? Gut check there, is it worth it? *Will it save you more human time than current maintenance?*
There are wins, not debating that. But there are also complications, human work, and tradeoffs to get those wins. These must be weighed to see if something makes sense.
Elastic in containers? Hell yeah. Not much state, easy to rebuild that scale - just swap a cluster on upgrade if we need a new version and rebuild in 2 minutes.
Redis? Same story, it's an ephemeral cache that'll rebuild.
We're hopefully going to be digging on some different scenarios for deployment this year and learn a lot. Stay tuned, planning ahead.
If other Stackers chime in, I'll retweet :)