Man w/o God is upside down & backward- a 6..
Lacking the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
3 in Heaven (tho’) they are 1
6+3=9, whole
6+1=7, perfect
Man by the Blood of YahShua
& filled w/the Holy Spirit
Is Recreated in YAH’s Image:
9 in 1
7 in 1
His NAME is: YAH
Ps 68:4
We experience Him 9 ways:
1-Father Yah Veh
2-Son YahShua
Holy Ghost:Ruach Ha Kodesh
- 7 Spirits/breaths/winds:
3-of YHVH (1
4-of Wisdom (2
5-Understanding (3
6-Counsel (4
7-Might (5
8-Knowledge (6
9-Fear of the YHVH (7

-not “triune”
The “trinity” teaching is false & a copy of many ancient pagan false religions-but-
There are actually 7 Spirits of YAH in what’s viewed as 1 “Holy Ghost.”
but Satan CAN’T impersonate ALL 7
-he wants you to see 1 counterfeit-
his Kundalini Spirit.

YAH, The ONLY Living, Loving
True God has NO darkness!
& In Him, is NO Darkness at ALL,
No variableness
(His character is the same yesterday, today & forever)
& NO shadow of turning
Every Good & Perfect GIFT comes from Him

Father: Yah Veh (Egyptian: YahWeh)
Yah= I AM
Veh= “the only invisible, honorable, eternally existent one”
The Son came IN THE NAME of His Father:
Yah= I AM
Shua= Salvation
YahShua= "I AM Salvation!"
Jesus is truly the “I AM Salvation!”
HalleluYAH= Praise ye YAH!
Ps 68:4
Ps 68:4 /68:5 Tanakh
YHVH (Yod-Hey Vav-Hey)
Paleo Hebrew: Yah Veh
Egyptian dialect: YahWeh (Joseph)
Masoretic Jews added vowel pts (Adonai)~700’s: Yehovah
Y-> I in Greek -> J
David knew Him intimately & preserved His praise forever
Father will not share His Praise with another (Isaiah 42:8)
Psalm 68:4
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name YAH, and rejoice before him.
But all of us grow & receive His OIL at different speeds.
Satan’s Counterfeit “oil” is false light/DARK!
Satan’s wolves claim to know truth but walk in darkness, LACKING YAH’s OIL.