In a hearing at Guantánamo Bay, an architect of the C.I.A. interrogation program said he told the accused mastermind of the 9/11 attacks: “I will cut your son’s throat.”
Base commander placed GTMO NAS on tsunami warning - no one at #MilitaryCommissions was notified.
Courtroom becomes inoperable when it rains, media's building has literally been condemned, Camp 7 is described as 'shack.'
It's is Mitchell's seventh day, and perhaps last day, on the stand.
-Initial intake - Airplane to facility
-Neutral assessment - Opportunity to volunteer (AKA neutral probe - CIA doesn't like the word probe bc of how it's perceived in the media)
-Break where they're allowed to sit and think
-Then moved to EIT room, asked the bridging question again.
-If they don't respond to the bridging question, EITs are applied
"Not nervous, it's a tick."
Mitchell has been winking a lot the last two week - at his "stone-faced" lawyer, the guy he waterboarded, prosecutors, and at least one defense attorney.
Mitchell says Mohammad called Ensure magic because he lost so much weight on it. He was also denied food at the time, FWIW.
Both Soufan and Gaudin will be testifying in relation to defense motions to suppress.
SA Gaudin was a FBI 'clean team' member who debriefed bin Attash.
Counsel have top secret versions.
Bormann wants to reference transcripts for questioning but we're not privy to what the transcripts say even though it was said in open court.

Note: The 5 defendants were NOT Mirandized before "clean team" interrogations.
Testimony describes training program led by someone who was teaching techniques outside of approved techniques. (Probably 'New Sheriff')
Mitchell describes their relationship as 'oil and water.' CIA tried to keep the two separated. They had at least one heated argument.
We'll never hear from NX2 - he's dead - but based on Mitchell's testimony it sounds like he was even more horrific than Mitchell and Jessen.
Mitchell: The cell was designed to keep them captive? I would agree with that characterization.
Mitchell has routinely denied connection to this black site in particular. Gul Rahman froze to death there.
"Facial slap:" Hand begins close to detainee's face.
"Attention grasp:" Mitchell says it was like when James Cagney used to say "listen here" while grabbing the clothing around the neck/shoulders.
Loud music: They played loud music all the time, whether they were awake, asleep, eating. But Mitchell doesn't characterize using loud music FOR sleep deprivation purposes.
Mitchell doesn't know what the standard was.
Mitchell: They were nude initially. I think it was to set up....there's very little you can reward a detainee with at a CIA black site. The CIA called it that, so I would say yes.
Location 2 in particular was very cold. So cold that detainee Gul Rahman froze to death there. His family members were plaintiffs in @ACLU suit Salim v. Mitchell
Excerpt from #TheReport

Location 2 has been described as "constant darkness."
Any wall could be a "walling wall" if you "wall" on it.
Bormann holds her arms out wide in a crucifixion shape. She wants to know if that position was a stress position "technique."
It's not approved technique by the DoJ, and I don't think it would be particularly helpful.
Bormann: Was it considered an amenity that wold be given for good behavior?
Mitchell: I don't know.
What concerns would those be?
Mitchell: You'd have to ask the person who wrote that. If you're suggesting...it's offensive and I didn't do it.
Mitchell: Well, detainees could put blankets over their heads if they wanted to.
Mitchell: Last time I saw EITs was summer 03, the majority I used myself. I don't really know what individual approval processes were.
Mitchell's understanding was Sheriff was going to use the EITs whether they needed them or not.
"It's marked SECRET, I don't know why."
Totally ready for trial in less than a year.
Bormann: Do you recall students being taught they needed to induce and maintain 'learned helplessness' as part of the full-spectrum exploitation of a 'high value detainee?'
Mitchell: No, they were really sloppy with that term at the CIA.
Bormann revises her estimated time - she expects her examination of Mitchell will go into tomorrow. We still need to hear cross-exam and redirect so we may not hear from Jessen until late morning or tomorrow afternoon.
Yet when Mitchell challenged the chief interrogator about unauthorized techniques, he told Mitchell he couldn't call anyone including "the fucking lawyers."
Mitchell also complained to the Loc 4 site manager.
Some people will always abuse power, others will never, most are in middle.
NX2 got kicked out of the CIA program for multiple instances using unauthorized techniques (broomstick behind knees in kneeling for example).
(albeit with the incorrect date - it's 2020 now, y'all)
21 Jan 2020:
Note: This is not an instance when the #NatSec security button was hit

"The thing" = "enhanced interrogation technique"
Aside, Mitchell seems to have a lot of faith in the physician who supervised these EITs, they wouldn't do something against OMS guidance despite what the cable says.
Bormann: You can read that two ways...
Mitchell (laughing): I only read that one way - it sounds like they took his leg.
Mitchell offers his 'objective' reasoning - a physician probably stepped in.
Start time of Dr. Bruce Jessen's testimony to be determined...