So, my #MomentsThatSurvive are...
My friend @ELaffGarb. There are few people in my life that I know who would legit drop everything and come running to help me. Erica is one of those people. She called me on what would’ve been my mom’s 63rd birthday. Erica say on the phone

When I met @lucymcbath in 2015, Lucy said “Khary, I lost my son (Jordan Davis) & you lost your mom, but now we have each other”. Lucy will call me and tell me that she loves me and will also call me her son. That kind endearing act holds me together

When I ran for Congress in 2016, @shannonrwatts was anxious to be my first donor. And then when the day came for me to announce, she made sure she was Donor 1! Shannon has always made sure that I felt seen and empowered and included. So glad she’s in my life

Ricard Martinez @riromtz saw me ugly face crying after an event where I first shared my story. He walked up to me and didn’t say anything at first. He just hugged me in the only way a father can. Then he told me in his stern voice

@fred_guttenberg & have become close over the last 2 years and he’s provided the kind of fatherly advice that I needed and was able to understand my anger without judgment.

@Alyssa_Milano read a tweet of mine a few years ago and could tell I wasn’t in a good place. So, she DM’d me & asked if she could call me. She sat on the phone w me as I cried and provided the ear that I needed in that moment.

Sandy Phillips @MamaRedfield has this unique ability to know when I’m hurting. She always calls at the right moment, when I need her the most. A few years ago, the night before she would find out the fate of her daughter’s murderer, she called me

@manueloliver00, whose son Joaquin “Guac” was shot & killed in the Parkland mass shooting, has show me and the world a different method of advocacy. He uses his amazing artistic ability to create a statement that words can’t do.

@JoeBiden heard my story back in 2016 & in that moment, he put his hand on my heart, he made me feel that I was the only person in the world that mattered to him. That kind of empathy is rare in politics