We came to remind people that this remains a reality & that the issue cannot be pushed under the rug.
🚨 #DontLookAway this is a humanitarian crisis.🚨

More than 60,000 asylum-seekers have been sent back to Mexico, where hundreds have been murdered, tortured & kidnapped.
And the list goes on.
And more than 800,000 DACA recipients could soon be open to deportation.
This is a reality we must face as a nation and work to prevent.
We must right wrongs.
Because we know how to create a sane, rational immigration system that gives justice to those who have suffered its enforcement. That means halting all deportations, decriminalizing immigration, ending detention and demilitarizing our border.
#DontLookAway any further. We can't afford to.
Learn more: migrantjusticeplatform.org