Interviewer: “Let’s talk about when you left the Fed.”
Blinder: “Fleeing the Fed, as John Cassidy put it” 🏃
A: “One that the typical smart-ass youngster - full of himself after getting a PhD at a good university - I’ll get over there and straighten them out.” oh + 2hrs🏓…
1) Head down📝publish📝publish📝publish📝
2) “Be a good economist. Do some research, but also involve yourself in ad hoc Fed policy work. *This was the ideal employee*”
3) “Be adept at statistics and understand/apply others’ research.”
“Burns told me later that he was frightened about being Fed Chair and how he’d get along with people. He decided the best way to proceed was to come on strong, be aggressive and ask for a lot, to demonstrate he was in charge.”
I’ve heard this view before. Not sure why they’re so often couched as one or the other.
Herbie, “dragged the Fed kicking and screaming into the age of the computer.” After getting the computer he “offered programming classes to the staff.” p5-6
Gov Gramley’s response, “The Fed has got to be the best research institution in the world. That means having people follow their own interests.”
Gramley: “No”
Int.: “But you’re reading our working papers, right?”
Gramley: “.......the ones I can...My Econ was learned in the 50s. I try and get through the abstracts..” 😅
“Almost never. I should hope that, with due deliberations, I could get my view changed by others’ comments leading up to the vote, and not at the meeting.”
So many anecdotes like this,
Snr official, “I need to know XXXX (something obscure like number of freight cars in the Midwest)”
Staffer in the back of the room pipes up with the exact answer.
“The Research staff proposed that ‘we shall require every bank to totally write off as a loss any loan that is 3 monthly installments past due.’”
🌭“There is much less sausage made at the Fed.”🌭…
“Paul (Volcker), come on. You’ve got to modernize this place.”
“I’m not ever having a PC on my desk. But you can if you want.”
How Govs can/cannot use staff is “a gray area...there are no guidelines.”
In using staff, Govs at slight disadvantge to RBPres
IF division sometimes had trouble getting R&S staff to engage with foreign counterparts. p74-79…
“It was always brought up but never panned out...reserving the highest positions for outsiders always raised concerns about staff morale. The culture of the Board was to promote from within.”
& Barons’ job
a)✏️do good “research”
b)🗣do good “current work”
c)💡have tremendous initiative and come up with good ideas
d)🙏be a good leader
e)😁make the Fed look good
“There was as a time when the IMF was really eating our lunch!” 🦖🦖🦖
a) how much time can they spend on it?
b) posts have to be approved?
c) who owns the content?
d) what if we hire you and you already have one?
Personal fav! e) “now you can just put photos of your little dog” 🐶
Also, looks like Governors had a significant role in deciding research staff promotions and compensation.
“Typical Greenspan humor.”
“What can I say? What’s different this month? Reading it cover to cover was a grim process. Got bombarded with material - which now that I’m retired would bore me to tears.”
Fascinating - “After Volcker left as Chairman, he came back to the Board and spent some time in an office somewhere and tried to figure out how to fix the research division.”
Pretty wild process to get those Bluebooks edited, printed, and in the FOMC members’ hands! p7-8, 13-19.…
1961: Dartmouth gathering for 1st attempt to build national model. Fed “extremely embarrassed when they realized, after the first week, they had nothing to offer..😳”
1964: model complete
1965: first results come out. But then no one knew how to get inputs 🤷♂️
“There was to be no forward looking because that didn’t make sense.”…
“We’d go upstairs and have a hot dog together. She’d be writing all over the tablecloth, drawing me all these pictures of relationships of which I had no idea. She was the best economist I have ever worked with. When she left there was a void”
“Dear Don, you can have any kind of monetary policy you want if you push up and down on the plunger”
“Dear Fred, if you guys stop yo-yoing the money supply we’ll be all right”
“The Board became a patron of the arts by supporting a considerable amount of research that didn’t have a director or even an indirect relevance to monetary policy.”
🚒 Firemen have hoses
🚔 police have tasers
☎️ financial crisis fighters have conference calls
“They were like a financial SWAT team. They had worked hard to develop contacts in banks and elsewhere so they could find out what was going on in a crisis.”
Stockton opines, “one of the great strengths of the staff in the crisis was the generalists who were able to think through how to design programs” But it’s a balance.
It was disbanded so all staff could work on both policy work (current work) and more general research.
“But there was a rule that Board staff had to review all articles being published by the Reserve Banks.”
Stockton convinced the Board to stop that practice 👌🏼
Teeters, “I went down to my boss Axilrod to resign after my daughter was born”
Axilrod, “do you want to come back?”
T, “Yes, but I don’t think I should work full time”
A, “All right, then we’ll do it that way”
The 2nd? A man who needed to take care of his mother. 👵🤗
And the 3rd? A guy who wanted to take care of his farm. 🐮 🌾
Took 4 months to approve it - but they did it 👏🏼
“The term was invented by Dave Shannon. It was used to complain to the Board how he couldn’t get anything done because he was being blocked by the three division heads.”
Truman, “The high point of my career was when I dressed up as Santa Claus and presided over the Christmas tree lighting.”
A few final thoughts:
(i) Some of my favorite job Fed job titles: Father of the Bluebook Vehicle 🚙 Fed Prince 👑 Person in a White Lab Coat 👩🏻🔬
(ii) I wasn’t perfect at citations, find linked a single pdf with all of the interviews combined if you need to ctrl-f anything.
(iii) dms are always open if you have questions or just want to connect.…
(v) I wish they’d publish the audio - even if parts have to be edited out because the interviewees changed the transcript in post.
Done done done 🎉