Patrick Kelly (Director of Finance) with a report on the proposed 2020 operating budget. Mentions that it differs from the typical township budget, but stresses it is balanced.
Mr Kelly thanks staff for their work preparing the budget.
THAT the proposed 2020 Water & Sanitary Operating Budget, including the proposed rate increases, be endorsed and further;
THAT the proposed rate increases be effective January 1, 2020 and further;
THAT the Water and Sanitary Rates By-Law be updated accordingly...
Coun Fisher and Gordijk thank the finance department for their work and expertise.
Coun Pfenning also thanks the finance department for their work. Says that residents are getting very good value for money.
THAT the 2020 Municipal Budget, as prepared by the Director of Finance / Treasurer and Manager of Finance / Deputy Treasurer, be endorsed and recommended to Council on February 10, 2020.