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A Setback for #Bitcoin, A Chance for #Altcoins?

🗞 Let’s dive into your weekly digest of specially curated reads by #Matrixport 🗞️

What’s #trending in #cryptocurrency? ⬇️ Image
1️⃣ #Bitcoin Slips After a Sudden Sell-off and Release of #UK #Inflation Data
2️⃣ ‘#Pepe the Frog’ #MemeCoins Rocket as #Crypto #Twitter Moves on from #DOGE Obsession
3️⃣ #CMEGroup Set to Expand #ETH, #BTC #Derivatives Product Expiries
4️⃣ #SUINetwork Sets Date for #Mainnet Launch and Plan for #Token Allocation
5️⃣ #Starbucks Introduces a New #NFT Collection on the #Polygon Network

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A Khalistani on a rampage in the only country where they stand a chance to get a land for Azad Khalistan.

Canada be safe. These rouge elements are now killing people in broad daylight.

#InderdeepSinghGosal #Khalistanis #AmritpalPalSingh
Canada is realizing that they have been breeding these khalistani terrorists just to gain vote banks . Inderdeep Singh Gosal, 32, has been promoting Khalistan and genocide against Hindus openly on his social media before it was taken down by the VPD. #Vancouver #homicide
#Vancouver Stabbing Case On Granville Street at Pender Street! 26th March 2023. The man stabed another man to death (in front of the victim's wife & young daughter) is Inderdeep Singh Gosal. Peaceful #Khalistan activist.

#Canada #InderdeepSinghGosal #AmritPalSingh #Satyaagrah
Read 6 tweets
#Nestle business model analysis

1/ Nestle is a global food and beverage company that operates on a hybrid business model, using both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing to produce its products. #Nestle #BusinessModel #FoodAndBeverage
2/ Nestle sources raw materials and ingredients for its products from various suppliers around the world and manufactures its products at its own facilities in countries around the world. #RawMaterials #Manufacturing
3/ Nestle's product line is diverse and includes a variety of food and beverage products, including coffee, water, milk, ice cream, and snack foods. The company also licenses its brand to third parties for use on non-Nestle products. #Coffee #Water #Milk #IceCream #SnackFoods
Read 9 tweets
New investigation reveals how Europe’s biggest meat companies benefit from subsidies while avoiding tax on €100s of millions in earnings, deploying “aggressive tax avoidance”
In collaboration with The @Guardian, The @IrishTimes & @FTM_nl we mapped corporate structures of Europe’s leading meat companies, identified group companies in tax havens & analysed their company accounts
Two of the biggest meat companies stood out: Anglo Beef Processors (@AbpFoods), owned by Irish billionaire Larry Goodman & @JBS_oficial, the Brazilian beef giant, world’s largest meat company & owner of @pilgrimsuk and @MoyPark
Read 23 tweets
ICYMI: The results of #Fresno #Starbucks unionization efforts are in: workers voted 14-0 against union representation. This story has been updated with comments from Starbucks & the worker that led organizing🧵
My latest for @FresnoBee @fresnoland…
Workers announced their intent to organize in April. The store would have been the first Central Valley Starbucks to unionize.…
Maria Rivera, a representative of @WorkersUnited, said the results show "clear evidence of the fact that the will of the workers is being affected by Starbucks’ anti-union campaign, which includes threats, discrimination and the targeting of leaders.”
Read 7 tweets


Bugün sizlere #VESBE geçmiş fiyat performans analizi yapacağız.

Ancak bu analizimiz alışılagelmiş analizlerden biraz farklı olacak. Çok ufak miktarların hayatımızı nasıl değiştirebileceğini göstereceğiz. Image
1- Yatırıma başlamak için, yatırım yapmak için yüzbinlere, milyonlara ihtiyaç olmadığını göstereceğiz.
Bunu gösterirken de her gün 1 paket sigara tüketen bir insanı baz alacağız.
2- Analizimiz üç aşamadan oluşacak;

- İlk aşamada her gün 1 paket sigara içen birisinin sigaraya harcadığı toplam parayı, bu süreçte sigaranın fiyatını vs inceleyeceğiz.
Read 35 tweets
There is a man currently free climbing the #devontower in #okc.
@davidfholt @DevonEnergy
Authorities are 'responding'
He's near the 23rd floor
27 more to go.
Read 14 tweets
New #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Russia 🇷🇺 Thread 🧵

Category: Cost of war 🪙

1) The @moscow_exchange website is still down & the Russian stock exchange remains closed. The Central Bank orders export led businesses to sell 80% of foreign currencies & bans foreigners from selling Russian securities to try and keep ruble afloat.

#PriceofPutin Image
2) Roman #Abramovich is looking for around 4 billion dollars as he looks to offload #Chelsea ⚽️…

Read 38 tweets
#Starbucks is the world's largest coffee chain, with 300,000+ employees in over 30,000 retail locations, earning billions of dollars in revenues every year.

But did you know it spent more on employee healthcare than coffee beans? (1/8)

Thread. 👇
The year is 2008, the world is going through a recession and after an 8-year premature retirement, Howard Schultz (Ex-CEO at the time) returns back to take the reins of a struggling Starbucks. (2/8)
The recession had been hard on Starbucks, the promising giant that Howard had left in 2000 had turned into a money bleeding behemoth.

Things were so tense that Howard had to lay off 6,700 employees and close down 600 stores. (3/8)
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Als die Regierung die Corona-#Wirtschaftshilfen für November und Dezember präsentierte, gab es Bedenken: Es scheint der Wunsch der ÖVP gewesen zu sein, bestimmten Eigentümern auch im Krisenjahr Gewinne zu finanzieren – aus Steuergeldern. Ökonom:innen warnten vor Verschwendung.
Ein paar Beispiele: Der Motorradhersteller #KTM bekam rund 11 Millionen Euro Corona-Hilfen in Form von Kurzarbeitsgeldern. Die wurden ausgezahlt, um Firmen durch die Krise zu helfen. Doch von Krise ist bei KTM keine Spur.
ÖVP-Großspender und KTM-Chef Stefan #Pierer schüttet an sich selbst 7 Millionen Euro Dividende aus und erhöhte für sich und seine Vorstandskollegen die Bezüge im Corona-Jahr um 30 Prozent. Pierer ist bereits Milliardär.…
Read 17 tweets
1/ #COVID19 sprider sig fortfarande i Sverige. Även om sjukdomsfallen sjunkit över sommaren så ser vi lite ökad spridning redan nu. I länder såsom #Frankrike ökar smittan på ett oroande sätt, och vi måste vara förberedda för en liknande utveckling här…
2/Sveriges råd är #hållaavstånd #hygien #hemmaomsjuk #jobbahemifrån #max50möte. Det räcker inte, #COVID19 är en luftburen smitta, vi behöver #anpassastrategin…
3/ Många tror att #Sveriges strategi är #flockimmunitet med infektion. Det är vetenskapligt bekymmersamt: har inte tidigare beskrivit i något djurslag (överbevisa mig gärna). Dessutom är immunitet mot coronavirus generellt kortvarig…
Read 15 tweets
#TataConsumer Concall today at 2:00pm!
We would be providing live updates and key highlights of the Conference call.
Stay tuned.😀

@unseenvalue @dmuthuk @safiranand @adi2five @stockifi_Invest @Prashantjaju @FUSION_Charts
Among Top 10 branded tea companies in India.

Decent quarter with volume growth across all businesses despite of lock down issues

Completed acquisition of pepsico nourish.
Commodities will be a big watch out and could face concerns in the coming quarter relating to supply chains.

Engaged with govt bodies to taper the negative effects of supply chain.

Adopted digital marketing more from this quarter.
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Reliance Jio is in "Technology Commodity Market". Design ripoff by JioMeet & JioChat affirms this underlying message in the market. Technology as a commodity is different from (1)(#JioMeet #JioChat #commodity #Commodities #RelianceJio #Jio #UX #Design #Market) ImageImage
Software as a commodity. White-label apps, framework & platform were in the market since a long time that are the example of Software as a commodity. Commodity trading is one of the oldest practice. Traditional companies environment are well equipped with (2)(#trading)
commodity legalities, so as India Trade & Legal Ecosystem. Reliance Jio have turn the table in their favor from bureaucracy, regulatory & legal perspective. It could also be possible that (3)(#trade #legal #bureaucracy #regulatory)
Read 32 tweets
Welche Überraschung.

#Starbucks, bekannt dafür jeden #Steuertrick auszunutzen den es gibt, will sich weiter bereichern.
"Nach Berechnungen der Kommission soll die europäische Starbucks-Tochter 2014 einen Umsatz von 350 Millionen Euro gemacht haben. Aber sie soll gerade mal 600.000 Euro Steuern bezahlt haben."…
"Kris Engskov, Geschäftsführer von Starbucks im Vereinigten Königreich, [...] versprach vor der Londoner Handelskammer, in den nächsten beiden Jahren Steuern in der Größenordnung von je zehn Millionen Pfund abzuführen, die Starbucks eigentlich nicht zahlen müsste."
Read 4 tweets
Analysis: #NASDAQ $SBUX

Case 197 #Starbucks Corporation

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#SBUX 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: The loss of #support at 77.30/02 (#trendline and #Fib 0.236) has seen a violent reaction to the downside with price currently sitting on Fib 0.382 at 62.98. Expecting further losses towards .....

SBUX 2/4
..... 55.70, 52.63 -51.80. Strong #resistance begins at 76.20/95 then 80.75 - 81.70.The SMA 50 cut below #SMA 200 adding to the bearishness.

SBUX 3/4
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Hong Kong Protest continue on the 70th Anniversary of the
Rise of Communism in China 🇨🇳

LIVE: Unauthorised march takes place in Hong Kong on National Day of China via @YouTube @Ruptly


@beldandolo @AutistMember @PhillyQ_ @mbees39 @Rainncloudy
Procession of Flags


#StandwithHK ImageImageImageImage
Read 66 tweets
The #TieDyeFrappuccino — launching tomorrow at #Starbucks for a limited, max 5-day run — is the newest drink in a series of limited release, special build frapps.

Please read this thread from your local #Barista before you pick up this limited frapp.
First, limited release fraps are made to look appealing and instagrammable— like the #UnicornFrappuccino, which reached its dizzying popularity thanks partially to images of the drink appearing across social media.
The unicorn frapp put a tremendous strain on baristas and stores already struggling with intentional understaffing. Frappuccinos are already multi-step, labor intensive, time consuming drinks, and layered fraps such as the summer #SmoresFrappuccino take even longer.
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ASKED TO LEAVE: According to the Tempe Officers Association, a customer asked a Starbucks barista to request five officers leave the store because they felt unsafe. Hear from TOA Pres. Rob Ferraro at 5. We have reached out to @Starbucks & are waiting for statement. #fox10phoenix
The Starbucks TOA is talking about is at McKellips and Scottsdale Roads. @Starbucks officials tell me they’re gathering more info from local team and they have contacted @ToaAz. #fox10phoenix
Regarding the “dump Starbucks” post, Ferraro says this isn’t a boycott by any means by officers are frustrated but calling this “a new reality”. #fox10phoenix
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It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
Read 239 tweets
#Question @Starbucks

We have a #Javascript testing framework called "#Mocha" and a #Java testing framework "#Mochito". And it's also happend that we do have a caffè "Mocha" but not "Mochito" at @Starbucks can we get a caffè caMochito too plz? #Starbucks #Coder @CodeNewbies
caffè Mochito*
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Starting this thread on the handpicked videos about investments & life I found intriguing. Looking forward to knowledge & Goodwill compounding
#gyanwithsatwik #ValueInvesting
1) "We should be a little more sceptical about our ability to build Excel models, calculate margins of safety & give more focus to think about people"Rob Vinall
Of RV Capital in an eye opener on mgmt. quality judgement
Courtesy @abhymurarka
"Participation in price movement is not same as ownership of business"- Anthony Deden
Amazing insights into capital preservation, fallacies of #WallStreet , seeing #stocks as participation by @RealVision
These 145 mins will leave you thinking for days
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Last night, the @starbucks location on 107th Ave & Grand in Sun City, AZ kicked out a group of mamas (& a baby!) during the intense #monsoon storm. Us BEGGING them to give us a few mins to compose a safe plan for alternative shelter as it was unsafe to be out.
The store was 2 hours from closing time but had lost power due to the severity of the storm. Interior lights were on and we were a small-ish group of paying customers. All mamas and even one baby, very quietly discussing things over drinks we had just purchased.
Just before the power went out, we had checked the radar and saw that the storm was huge and the eye was above us. Trees were down, lighting was striking & started fires in the area, 75mps winds, sideways rain, little visibility. It was tornado-like.
Read 7 tweets

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