[Sweet Valley Junior High debrief after Kristy McKool's hard-fought battle for 7th grade Homeroom Rep.]
[FIRST Obama reference of the speech]
[Trump points lovingly to the two potted plant he visits at night when the White House is empty. He calls him....Dave and Al. Trump has no animal kingdom friends.]
[Baaaaaaad things.]
[I am distracted by the conundrum of whether there is:
* A FISA court?
* Multiple FISA courts.]
We had polls that said we were going to win, we had the Los Angeles Times and a few papers, actually,
[Bizarre Temporal Jump]
...corrupt politician...Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian president....brought it out of thin air...They say, he’s a screenwriter, a failed screenwriter. Unfortunately he went into politics..."
Baaaaaaad Other Christopher (his Partner)
[MM: NOT exactly. The New York Times was significantly less sycophantic] 1/3 of this section.
[mm: Have nothing more to add. This has already been commented on a lot]
[Stunned silence]
Great job. Right at the beginning, they said, sir, you have nothing to worry about. All of the facts are on your side."
[mm: I somehow doubt this convo happened]
[Just READING this gave me a headache]
[I have nothing to add here, so thought I would just drop in this horrific picture of TrumpGoblin Hogan Gidley to give people fuel for tonight's nightmares.]

[mm: He may be right but both are horrifying in their own unique way]
[mam: Bleagggghhhh!!]
[Insane freeform snipes at an un-named Mitt Romney]
[The entire state of Utah and millions of people all boil down in Trump's fevered turnip of a brain to HIS poll #'s]
[mam: Lord Help Us, what a pack of NINNIES.]
[Is he calling Nancy Pelosi a devil worshipper here?]
[He doesn't KNOW if Pompeo was "on the call"??]
[What the Sam Hill?????]
[mm: No more Hunter, careens to NATO]
[I am really PO'd at the Washington Post for that dang headline. ]
[mm: The crowd is applauding fact Trump didn't call him "Steve"]
Now, if she had handled some snakes, THAT would have been a Prayer Breakfast this didn't overshadow!
OK, back to the #pettysburgaddress
[mm: Paranoia, The Destroyaaaah]
[Trump appears familiar with the practice of declaring people Non-People. How Stalinesque.]
[Trump disapproves]
[mam: cue women in car trunks with their mouths taped]
this congressman who kept going into a basement...You never thought it was as bad as it is, and hopefully we’re going to take care of things, because we can never, ever allow this to happen again.
"A man who is braver than me and braver than all of us in this room, he got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right? I went to the hospital with our great first lady that night and we saw a man that was not going to make it."
He [Scalise] was not going to make it. I said, she loves you. Why? Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn....She couldn’t even talk, she was inconsolable. Most wives would say, not good, I’m going home now."
"And Lou [Gohmert], your name isn’t down. They didn’t give me your name. I didn’t announce louie. Whoever the hell made this list, I got to get rid of them...."
I think he is wrapping up, thank heaven.
"MARK MEADOWS: I just wanted to say that this reflection today is a small reflection of the kind of support you have all across the country. We’ve got your back. [Applause]"
["And that includes Barron...." ????????]