#Cartels go beyond the national framework (named TRUSTS) to international groupings named CONSORTIA.

It was only in 1956 that the official motto of the USA became "IN GOD WE TRUST" instead of "E. Pluribus Unum" which means"Out of many, One"
What is the point of cartels & trusts?
--> Keep prices high,
--> Split the deal and then lock it down,
--> Organize scarcity together with time program obsolescence for maximum consumption,
--> Circumventing workers' resistance
-- The Shermann Antitrut Act 2/07/1890, mainly to counter Rockefeller's Standard Oil and protect trade & commerce. It is codified in Article 15 of the US Code (U.S.C).
-->The Federal Trade Commission
-->The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice,