Its been 2 weeks since the MFF proposals, here's our round up of some of the perspectives so far.
All perspective-givers tagged in picture.…

@davidbaldock & Allan Buckwell of @IEEP_eu:
1: Sufficient funding for environmental measures in Pillar 1
2: Specifics for New Delivery Model
3: Flexibility for Pillar 1 to 2 transfers
4. Fund ANCs under Pillar 1…
#MFF #FutureofCAP #CAP

Why @AnnikaAhtonen of @epc_eu
Ring fence enviro measures in P1;
Turn enhanced conditionality into the actual directives
& more via @Green_Europe @BirdLifeEurope @GreenpeaceEU & @WWFEU

No renationalisation of the EU farm policy or cuts
Pan EU high farming standards
Convergence (fair funding within MS's and EU)
Measures to attract new entrants.
Read all about it here:…