Against the HC order, an SLP was filed before the SC, Mehta informs the Court.
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate #DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate @KapilMishra_IND
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate
But he was not sitting.. because the petitioner wanted urgent orders, we took it up, J Muralidhar
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate

We must answer Rahul Mehra's concern first because Centre is not a party: Justice Muralidhar
I appear for Commissioner : SG Mehta
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate @DelhiPolice @TheRahulMehra
SG Mehta places on record the communication authorising him to represent Commissioner
#DelhiRiots #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate @LtGovDelhi
#DelhiRiots #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate

No, no, you confine yourself to the first prayer (on registration of FIR against @BJP4India Leaders for hate speech): Court
You address us in the capacity of a Law Officer now: J Muralidhar
The prayer came after 20 days of the Statement.. Let us not not make it unpleasant: SG Mehta
Let me take instructions: SG Mehta
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate #DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes
What are the Facts, I am not aware. It can wait till tomorrow, I leave it to your lordships: SG Mehta
J Muralidhar asks a @DelhiPolice Officer in Court if he has seen the videos.
I have not seen it: SG Mehta
Should I record your statement? Justice Muralidhar
Justice Muralidhar: Have you watched the video clips concerning the three persons?
I have watched two.
The Kapil Mishra one, have not watched: says @DelhiPolice officer.
#DelhiRiots #DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes
This is too serious a matter.
I am amazed at the state of affairs of Delhi Police. : Justice Muralidhar
#DelhiRiots #DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes @KapilMishra_IND

We are quite relieved that you are present in this court. Mr Solicitor General has come to the Delhi High Court, we expect the best assistance: Justice Muralidhar
Court plays Kapil Mishra clip.
If your Lordships are convinced, we need to watch it: SG Mehta
@DelhiPolice #DelhiRiots
#DelhiRiots #delhivoilence #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate #DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes @DelhiPolice @harsh_mander

Now that you have watched it, you advice the Commissioner so that we don't have to pass any order.
You are the Solicitor General of India: J Muralidhar
Bench rises, hearing to continue at 2.30 pm.
#DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes
#DelhiBurns #DelhiCAAClashes #DelhiHighCourt #Muralidhar #DelhiRiots2020
The question of registration of FIR and when to register is very crucial and we will take a call at an appropriate stage.

#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots #DelhiIsBurning #DelhiFightHate
I have to go through the status report and satisfy my consciousness:
Delhi Police Standing Counsel Rahul Mehra responds.
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots #DelhiFightHate @TheRahulMehra @DelhiPolice
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots #DelhiFightHate
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots #DelhiFightHate #Delhigenocide @DelhiPolice

Mr. Mehta, if you have not seen the video, we will play them: Justice Muralidhar
No, No : SG Mehta
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @ianuragthakur @Anurag_Office @ColinGonsalves_

#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi
Gonsalves: I don't even want to answer whether we have given it to the Police.
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice

Court watches the Anurag Thakur video.
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ianuragthakur @p_sahibsingh
A lawyer interrupts the proceedings, says there are videos of @asadowaisi and others as well.
We will see if it's necessary: Court asks the lawyer to not interrupt.
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
No, They take pride in these slogans. The only thing that will do justice is the full force of the law: Gonsalves
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @BJP4Delhi @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice

DCP (North East) Surya : Court is informed.
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
It's the same group.
Their minister says kill, they kill and Police watches: Gonsalves
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
Your Lordships may consider whether in these circumstances..such arguments can be made: SG Mehta
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
This is not Delhi Police acting.. this a higher power. Those in power who speak like this, they must be immediately arrested. Gonsalves
This has become a political speech now. Without my affidavit this cannot be done. I have serious objections: SG Mehta
Please don't bully me, Mr Solicitor General: Gonsalves

One lawyer again mentions about clips featuring @asadowaisi
Don't interrupt. We have have told you 10 times: J Talwant Singh

#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
Court asks Pracha to move an appropriate petition.
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
Pujari informs the Court that @DelhiPolice has opined that a cognizable offence is made out in those cases.

There are no attacks. These things are being sensationalised : SG Mehta
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt @ColinGonsalves_ @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt
@DelhiPolice #DelhiBurns
All I am saying is that don't do anything right now. It is being considered. It will registered at an appropriate stage: SG Mehta
It is not constitutional duty to preserve the life and liberty of all. We cannot be blind: Justice Muralidhar
#DelhiBurns #DelhiHighCourt

It will be registered when situation is conducive.. SG Mehta.
SG Mehta asks Court not to get "angry"
This is not anger, this is anguish: Justice Muralidhar
Let us answer that on affidavit: Mehta
Court asks Senior Police Officer to step forward, asks if Commissioner has seen the video
I can't answer for him. I have seen them: Officer
The Officer informs the Court about the situation at hand on that day.
We were not aware of Mishra's arrival on spot. We insisted that he leave from the area: Officer
The question is what is the consequence of non-registration of FIR.
What is causing concern is that the same slogan is being repeated: Justice Muralidhar
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns
We are trying to contain the situation: Officer
But to say that we will not react to the origin of the's a chain: J Muralidhar
We have been on the field: Officer
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #delhivoilence
Just register an FIR, communicate it to your Commissioner of Police. This is the anguish of a Constitutional Court.
Why are you not showing alacrity when it comes to registration of FIR in these cases: Justice Muralidhar

I was referring to those vidoes to mean that in this PIL, clips have been selectively chosen:SG Mehta
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots
The city is not burning. It's only few areas: SG Tushar Mehta
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots

#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots @KapilMishra_IND @ianuragthakur
The Officer (Mr Ranjan) assures that he would sit with Delhi Commissioner (to peruse such videos containing hate speech): Court
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots @KapilMishra_IND @ianuragthakur @p_sahibsingh @DelhiPolice
Matter adjourned till tomorrow.
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiBurns #DelhiRiots @KapilMishra_IND @ianuragthakur @p_sahibsingh @DelhiPolice

#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots @KapilMishra_IND @ianuragthakur @p_sahibsingh @DelhiPolice…
Matter listed as item 42 in Court No. 1 for tomorrow.