@ColinGonsalves_ #DelhiHighCourt @DelhiPolice @LtGovDelhi

#DelhiHighCourt #Delhigenocide #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
Since we are starting before a new Bench, I'll tell about it briefly: Gonsalves
SG Tushar Mehta interjects.
An order was passed yesterday.. let me state that: Mehta
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
Yesterday notice was issued.. two months back sometime in December some hate speeches were.. it was said that registration of FIR was urgent.
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns #JusticeMuralidhar #Muralidhar
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns #JusticeMuralidhar #Muralidhar @LtGovDelhi @DelhiPolice
It was and it is the Court's discretion whether to allow Union of India to be made a party or not.
#DelhiHighCourt #JusticeMuralidhar #Muralidhar @LtGovDelhi
I have avoided making statements which are not conducive. Authorities have examined all audio- video material. We have decided to defer the registration of FIR: SG Tushar Mehta

Standing Counsel @TheRahulMehra states that when 11 FIRs have already been registered with respect to the Delhi Riots, why not register FIR for hate speech.
All of us are concerned about that is happening in Delhi, including the Centre and State, the Petitioner and everyone else: Mehra
#DelhiHIghCourt @TheRahulMehra
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
SG Mehta States that the FIRs pertain to loss of property etc.
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @DelhiPolice

At this juncture when all stakeholders are working to ensure normalcy, any hurried intervention may not be conducive: SG Mehta
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @DelhiPolice
Gonsalves states that he has had the privilege to appear before the Court and at times even faced orders which were not in his favour.
Only Facts are not in your favour. Facts and law are slightly against: DN Patel.
Gonsalves sums up the events that happened yesterday.
We have no hesitation in saying that UOI should be a party to the petition
Gonsalves informs the Court about the slogans raised by the @BJP4India leaders.
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
If hate speech is resulting in murder, these three and many others are responsible: Gonsalves
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @ColinGonsalves_
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @ColinGonsalves_

(Referring to @KapilMishra_IND , @ianuragthakur and @p_sahibsingh )
Yes, anybody: Gonsalves
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
You can clearly link the acts of violence with the provocative speeches made: Gonsalves
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @BJP4Delhi
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @BJP4Delhi
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @ColinGonsalves_
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @ColinGonsalves_ @asadowaisi @imAkbarOwaisi
I request for registration of FIR today. The next set is to arrest those persons: Gonsalves
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns @KapilMishra_IND @ianuragthakur @p_sahibsingh @ColinGonsalves_
Is it on record? : Chief Justice Patel
Like SG Mehta said, this is not the time for Pro active judicial intervention. Delhi needs peace: Sharma
#DelhiHighCourt #DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiBurns
Why did all this start, who started? Who said come on the streets? One person says clear the streets and that person should be attested? Sharma
It is not on record today: Chief Justice DN Patel refuses to entertain them today
Court orders, makes Union of India, a party.
Court begins dictating the order.
#DelhiHighCourt #Delhigenocide #DelhiRiots
#DelhiHighCourt #Delhigenocide #DelhiRiots

Time to file counter affidavit is granted to Union of India
Matter to be heard next on April 13.
#DelhiHighCourt #Delhigenocide #DelhiRiots

#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiGenocide2020
#DelhiHighCourt @DelhiPolice
#DelhiRiots2020 #DelhiGenocide2020