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Dec 18th 2020
Donald Trump is the most corrupt President in US history, but he's just the worst example of a rotten system. That's why @RepJayapal and I are reintroducing and strengthening our bill to #EndCorruptionNow.…
Our bill to #EndCorruptionNow now includes:
❌ An even stronger ban on Members of Congress and other senior officials from owning/trading individual stock or sitting on corporate boards
❌ New ethics rules for Supreme Court justices
❌ An overhaul of our campaign finance laws
After the past four years, Americans deserve moral clarity from our government. Our bill would help restore Americans’ faith in government and make it work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. #EndCorruptionNow
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Aug 24th 2020
My staff requested the @USPS Board of Governors' financial disclosure reports to look for conflicts of interest, but they're “not releasable” since they work less than 130 days/year. That’s a dumb loophole. The Board should voluntarily release the reports.…
The @USPS Board's “full support” of Louis DeJoy’s efforts to delay and degrade mail service raises serious questions about its members' motivations. DeJoy has stock in Amazon & USPS competitors – we should know if the USPS Board has conflicts affecting their actions too.
My anti-corruption bill would close the ridiculous loophole that allows part-time officials to keep their financial disclosures secret. And it would prevent federal officials like Louis DeJoy & the @USPS Board from owning or trading individual stocks. We must #EndCorruptionNow.
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Jul 26th 2020
Big Oil funds junk research that climate change isn’t real. Wall Street peddles sham studies that banking rules hurt the economy. And Amazon & Google pay for a think tank to say Big Tech isn't too big & too powerful.

This is thinly-disguised corruption.…
Here’s what you won’t read in Big Tech's bought-and-paid-for research: Amazon, Google, Facebook & Apple have too much power over our economy, society & democracy. They think they're too big to be held accountable. We need to break up Big Tech & stop mergers that kill competition.
My bill to #EndCorruptionNow forces anyone who submits a study to a regulator to disclose who’s paying for it. Sham studies should be thrown out. This is a nerdy but important way to stop Big Tech & other rich & powerful corporations from rigging the rules in their favor.
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May 16th 2020
President Trump has fired so many independent IGs that I’ve lost count. He replaces them with partisan cronies to cover up corruption and incompetence. Trump’s actions eat away at our democracy and erode Americans’ faith in government.…
The @StateDept already suffers from a toxic combination of malice and neglect under this admin. Removing the Inspector General, allegedly as retaliation for investigating @SecPompeo, is another punch to the gut for our career diplomats.
I’ve introduced the biggest bill since Watergate to #EndCorruptionNow. And just this week, I introduced a bill to #StopCOVIDCorruption. Both of these bills will empower and protect IGs. Congress could vote on both of these bills right now – and they should.
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Apr 7th 2020
Trump’s real estate company reportedly talked with @DeutscheBank about postponing payments because of the economic crisis. The public has a right to know if the Trump family is getting special favors & if that influences the President’s financial policies.…
.@DeutscheBank is worried that the admin could retaliate against the bank if they don’t grant favors to his company. And we all should be concerned that if they do grant the favor, the President may change policies to help his lender, not our economy.…
It’s ridiculous that during a public health & economic crisis, we have to worry that the President is putting his personal financial interests before our country. Congress should pass my bill to #EndCorruptionNow & force Presidents to fully divest from their businesses.
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Feb 17th 2020
Donald Trump is the most corrupt President in modern US history. But Trump didn’t cause the rot in Washington – he’s just the biggest, stinkiest example of a system that no longer works for the people. That’s why this #PresidentsDay, I’m fighting for my bill to #EndCorruptionNow.
Presidents shouldn’t be able to own companies or hotels on the side & use their office to make a fortune. My bill to #EndCorruptionNow would require the President to place his/her assets, including businesses & commercial real estate, into a blind trust to be sold off.
My #EndCorruptionNow bill would make sure all govt employees – including unpaid White House staff, even family-member advisors to the President – are forced to comply with govt ethics & conflict of interest rules.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
Of all the hotels in DC, why did the Senior VP of GEO Group – one of @ICEgov’s private prison operators – stay at the Trump Hotel while asking the admin for a favor to pay its legal fees? @RepJayapal & I have serious concerns about possible corruption.…
Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay the legal bills of a private company, and the government shouldn’t protect a private prison carrying out inhumane immigration policies – especially one that bats its eyelashes from the Trump Hotel lobby.
.@RepJayapal & I have introduced the most ambitious bill to #EndCorruptionNow since Watergate, which would force Presidents to fully divest from their businesses – and hotels. We need to fundamentally change how Washington works – and who Washington works for.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
The @FCC’s final approval of the T-Mobile/Sprint merger officially hands control of nearly 100% of wireless services to 3 corporate giants – strangling competition & harming consumers, workers, & small businesses.…
The US has a monopoly problem. In industry after industry, giant corporations get to play by their own political & economic rules, amassing unchecked power over people’s lives. And our government regulators would rather kiss up to them than use their tools to uphold the law.
Before the @FCC approved the deal, T-Mobile execs spent $195k at Trump Hotels. This is what corruption looks like, & working families pay the price. My bill to #EndCorruptionNow would reduce the stranglehold that giant companies have over our government.
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Jul 21st 2019
Nine years ago today, I ran out of the Senate – where I was a witness testifying about the TARP Wall St bailout – and raced to the @WhiteHouse. With seconds to spare, I got to see President @BarackObama sign Dodd-Frank, the Wall Street reform bill that gave us the @CFPB.
Exactly 8 years ago, we opened the doors at the @CFPB. Eight years since we built an agency to get the tricks & traps out of the fine print of credit cards, mortgages, & other financial products. And in 8 years, it’s returned billions of dollars to people who have been cheated.
The big banks have fought financial reform – especially the @CFPB – every step of the way. So from my first Senate banking committee hearing in 2013, I’ve pushed our banking regulators to hold Wall St accountable for cheating people & breaking our economy.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 12th 2019
Former @StateDept official Charles Faulkner helped the Trump administration bypass Congress to fast track arms sales to Saudi Arabia & the UAE – including arms made by Raytheon, his former lobbying client. That’s blatant government corruption.…
.@realDonaldTrump is more interested in appeasing US defense contractors than holding Saudi Arabia accountable for one of the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophes.…
.@RepTedLieu & I have urged the @StateOIG to investigate Charles Faulkner’s conduct, including whether he violated his ethics pledge & any federal ethics laws during his govt service. Officials should work for the American people, not their former defense contractor clients.
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May 16th 2019
Our national security decisions should be driven only by what best keeps Americans safe – not by what makes the defense industry the most money. That’s why I’m introducing new legislation to loosen the stranglehold defense contractors have on the Pentagon and #EndCorruptionNow.
My bill with @RepSpeier would:
-Slam shut the revolving door between defense contractors & the Pentagon
-Ban DOD officials from owning defense contractor stock
-Limit foreign gov’ts from hiring former US national security officials
-Increase transparency of lobbying
The defense industry will inevitably have a seat at the table, but they shouldn’t get to own the table. US security & values must come ahead of private companies' profits. Congress should stand up to the military industrial complex & pass the DOD Ethics & Anti-Corruption Act.
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Apr 4th 2019
The Senate Energy Committee just voted to advance David Bernhardt’s nomination to run @Interior – despite mountains of evidence that he’s more interested in working for swamp monsters like his ex-clients than protecting public lands.…
I’ve already called for an investigation into David Bernhardt’s actions at @Interior. As Acting Secretary, he worked to weaken important water and wildlife protections – that benefited his old lobbying clients.…
That’s not all. A lawsuit alleges that Bernhardt’s ex oil and gas clients “began receiving sudden and dramatic windfalls only months since his swearing-in” as Deputy at @Interior. This is what happens when we let lobbyists waltz through the revolving door.…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2019
.@RepJayapal & I have the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since Watergate to #EndCorruptionNow. This week, we got terrific news: with @RepJayapal's hard work & persistence, the House included — & passed — some key parts of it in the historic #ForThePeople Act:
Incoming administrations should work for the people, not lobbyists & industry insiders. The House passed our plan to force people who work on presidential transition teams to follow ethics rules like every other official. #EndCorruptionNow #ForThePeople
No more selling out to foreign governments that abuse human rights & undermine our national security. @RepJayapal made sure the House bill included our ban on Washington lobbyists from getting paid big bucks to lobby for foreign governments. #EndCorruptionNow #ForThePeople
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Dec 20th 2018
1 year ago today, @realDonaldTrump & Republicans pulled a heist on the American people when they passed the #GOPTaxScam.

They said it would would help working families. Then they stole money from the middle class to help their billionaire donors instead.…
I don’t think a single working family in this country should pay more taxes so that big corporations & billionaires can pay less. But that’s what the #GOPTaxScam did – raising taxes on some middle class families & handing out $1.5 TRILLION in tax giveaways to the ultra wealthy.
In November, voters took the first step to hold Congress accountable for turning their backs on the American people. Now Congress can do more to help level the playing field, like passing the Accountable Capitalism Act & our plan to #EndCorruptionNow.
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Dec 6th 2018
Saudi Arabia used American lobbyists to rent hundreds of Trump hotel rooms and dupe veterans into secretly pushing the Saudis' agenda. Bribing @realDonaldTrump is unconstitutional – but tricking veterans into lobbying for Saudi Arabia is totally legal. It shouldn't be.
Last week, I asked MSL Group and other US lobbying firms to explain their work representing the interests of Saudi Arabia in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. MSL responded that they’re continuing business as usual and still working for the Saudis.…
US firms shouldn’t do the dirty work of repressive regimes and ruthless dictators. My plan to #EndCorruptionNow would ban Americans from lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. If other countries want to make their case, they can use their diplomats.…
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Dec 6th 2018
Do you want to know how corruption happens and how it affect us? What it deprives us? Take a peek at this thread. (Part 2)
#TogetherWeCanEndCorruption #WeDemandFasterRsolutionOfCorruptionCases. Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 30th 2018
No candidate should be able to negotiate a business deal with a foreign adversary while running for office. But that’s exactly what @realDonaldTrump did, according to his ex-crony Michael Cohen. This is a textbook case of corruption.…
This is exactly why we should require candidates to release their tax returns when running for federal office, and prevent Presidents from owning business empires on the side. My bill to #EndCorruptionNow would do both.…
If you’re elected to public office, your job is to serve the public. Full stop. That’s why I’m working with @HouseDemocrats and @House_DRTF to advance legislation that ensures public officials work for the public interest.
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Nov 4th 2018
all this talk about #Hussein is leading into his connections to the MB on a public stage.#Qteam and @POTUS are setting the stage/shifting the narrative to lead into the connections of the CF to #U1 and #IRAN through child trafficking & crimes against children in the IG report
Read 33 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
Exhibit #237 of why anyone running for federal office should have to disclose their tax returns. Congress needs to pass my legislation to #EndCorruptionNow, which would force candidates (and @realDonaldTrump) to make their tax returns public.…
.@realDonaldTrump was the 1st presidential candidate in 40 years not to make his tax returns public. Maybe because he got over $400M from his dad to start out & probably committed tax fraud. @nytimes’ reporting is likely just the tip of the iceberg – what else is he hiding?
If @realDonaldTrump was willing to go to such incredible lengths to hide how he really “made” his fortune – what’s stopping him now from bilking the presidency and American taxpayers for everything they’re worth?
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Aug 23rd 2018
My new bill would end business-as-usual in Washington and rip corruption out by the roots. Here's what I want you to know about the Anti-Corruption Act.
In Washington, the government-to-lobbying revolving door spins so fast that it could make you dizzy. The Anti-Corruption Act puts a padlock on that door, and reins in the lobbyists.
Let’s ban federal elected & top appointed officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave office. Not for one year. Not for two years. For the rest of their lives. It’s all part of our new bill to #EndCorruptionNow. Sign the petition:…
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Aug 21st 2018
.@SenWarren is LIVE calling out the culture of corruption in Washington and introducing bold new legislation to end it. Tune in: #EndCorruptionNow
.@SenWarren: "Across the board, our government is failing to fix the problems that face our working families. It's making the problems worse by giving more power, more money and more advantages to those who already have all three." #EndCorruptionNow
.@SenWarren: The recent explosion of political spending has delivered a gut punch to American democracy... Big money has created a pervasive culture of soft corruption in Washington that colors nearly every decision Congress makes.

RT if you agree: We need to #EndCorruptionNow.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Corruption in Washington isn’t a small problem – and we can’t fight it with small solutions. I’m about to unveil my legislation to #EndCorruptionNow and put a stop to it once and for all. Watch live here:
Our government systematically favors the rich over the poor, the donor class over the working class, the well-connected over the disconnected. This is deliberate, and we need to call it for what it is – corruption, plain and simple. #EndCorruptionNow
Today, I’m introducing the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation proposed in Congress since Watergate. This is an aggressive set of reforms that would fundamentally change the way Washington does business. #EndCorruptionNow
Read 21 tweets

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