-The first thing you need is a good backup cap.Without that you always will be stressed out abt your positions. Backups can come in form of business,real estate,trainings,job in hand etc
THINK next..
66520 i.e. 3326 lots! For me I have no margin issue as with futures trade I have made killing in past few months. Moreover,I have 7 sources of incomes which I have openly admited before(jst like all millionaires have) BUT
-Secondly,my review on this trick which is used almost by
-Another way to do the same is having multiple accs and taking reverse trades. Let's say today I show u a upstox acc,tomm
-The third & obvious thing is photoshop which lately is used by telegram artists.
-Hence,gurus claim that such huge position is a part of strategy bt won't ever show the HIDDEN part