Don't do it! It might save time but buying foreign currency at the airport definitely won’t save you cash. I always use an atm instead of an airport exchange kiosk.
Credit card companies flag foreign transactions in case of credit card fraud and may freeze your account, so be sure you inform your company before you leave on your trip.
We all know that flights can be unpredictable. I've had to run at several airports to make sure I didn't miss my connecting flight. Always plan for atleast a 2 hour layover.
Visa requirements change frequently so it’s essential to check they haven’t been changed a week before you leave, as well as when you first book the flights.
Although many credit cards offer travel insurance to protect you on your trip. Often you must purchase the trip with that specific card in order for the travel insurance to be valid.
I always make sure I email myself copies of my passport, flight details, accommodation, visa, travel insurance and credit cards.…