Follows my earlier thread emphasizing the impact of #covid19 crisis on the productive capacity of the economy. Focusing policy on making the loss of potential output smaller and more transitory.
i) Tax cuts as opposed to payment delays: if people can’t get to work or spend, see little point increasing marginal rewards to do so. For now, focus on credit and on avoiding cascading defaults.
ii) Permanent transfers as opposed to safety net payments, and credits: if people can’t get to work or spend, see little point relying on MPC aggregate demand channel. For now, focus on social insurance that prevents temporary shocks becoming permanent.
(On health policies, I’m not competent)
1. Measures above put *huge* pressure on the banking sector. Need financial policies to complement the fiscal policies, and these are crucial. More on those later.
2. Inflation: in the next few months, we will have large relative price movements that will make measuring pure inflation hard. Monetary policy needs nerves of steel. More on those later.
3. As important as the economy at t, so is the productive capacity in period t+1, after the quarantine is over. Plan now for stimulus to economy on both supply and demand side once we can get back to work. More on those later.