If anyone is #workfromhome due to the so-called corona virus. Folks, I urge you to get out of your homes. If you have no access to a public parks then take a walk around the block and if you live in a warm environment then go to a beach, go biking. Go out and spend time...

...with your family and friends, it doesn't have to be in a venue.
If you continue to stay home in fear you are doing exactly what THEY want. The nature of a Totalitarian system is to create TERROR! F*ck the curfew, you are adults, then act like it!
I live my life how want to and I will not give into fear! Those of you have been following me for over a month should know what we're up against.
How long are you going to trust these criminals? Go through my timeline again and read/study what I tweeted. The usurpers in office is the enemy!