Having watched many, it’s clear that most are virtual walking UBER drivers for this damn bug. Don’t be one of them:
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1) Carry everywhere, two 6 oz spray bottles of A) sanitizer, and B) rubbing alcohol for spraying your “touch rag” (paper towel) for opening doors, using pens, etc.
Sanitizer is weaker (and harder to make). Use it on your skin, not surfaces. 2/12
3) Re-spritz the touch-rag whenever you touch any door, chair, or … 3/12
4) Always use the touch rag over faucets to turn the basin water on and off. Leave it on the handle while you wash your hands (faucets are one of THE most infamous transmission points) and then set it down … 4/12
5) Replenish your walking-around stock … 5/12
After a lot of personal and googled experience, I feel these give you a false sense of security and aren’t worth much for daily life outside a clinical setting. Getting them on and off to use your … 6/12
But they can be useful for long stretches when you need reminding not to touch your face. When you … 7/12
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Corona is spread by droplets. And a LOT of people are spitters, spewers, shouters and motor mouths. They make a lot of droplets.
And all of us can blow hot air. Now it can be deadly to do that. So don’t. There is no need to … 10/12
I’ll be adding more as things evolve. This is not going to an easy year. Sharing our learnin’ can help us all. Reply anywhere within the thread with your own. 12/12