As the Welsh Government faces a dilemma over Brexit @DanielWinc@Jaclarner look back at the historical context to make sense of the #Welsh#Brexit position - blog for @UKandEU
'Small States in the Modern World: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities'
CCC Director Michael Keating discusses requirements for small states to thrive, arguing that small states do equally or better than larger states - comment for @SCER_eu
'The reality of Brexit does not go away as normal politics is suspended'
Despite #CoronaCrisis 🕐is ticking on #Brexit CCC's Richard Parry reviews the #UK#EU positions and the way that the new dominant issues may displace previous
@jevershed01 discusses #Covid_19 and looming #Brexit negotiations, arguing that the response to the virus continues to show the gap between #Ireland and #UK that has been evident throughout #Brexit
A number of CCC Fellows contributed @SCER_eu latest report analysing what an independent #Scotland accession process to #EU might look like and the implications for rUK outside the EU
'Scotland's New Choice' Independence after Brexit' our NEW ebook from 25 leading academics examining what independence would mean for #Scotland after #Brexit and #COVID19
➡ the process of independence
➡ the economics of independence
➡ the implications on politics & society
➡ the international aspects
➡ the view of independence from elsewhere
2/ Michael Keating begins, the internal market is, in many ways, a way of replicating what exists to faciliate the European single market. Two options are available: a single standard or principle of mutual recognition
3/ No internal market covers everything, how do we determine the exceptions? The EU operates under a very broad principle, allowing governments to override for public policy objectives. The UK Bill is much more narrowly defined.
CCC Co-Director Nicola McEwen also discusses the proposals set out in the UK Government's white paper on the internal market and explains how these could have a profound impact on devolution in the UK
As Boris Johnson visits Scotland today, how might he make the case for the Union? CCC Fellows @DaniCetra and @Coree_Brown explored this issue in recent publications