Disclaimer: I taught middle school, so some of these ideas may need modifications.
👩🏫 If you’re a teacher, don’t be shy and feel free to offer your modifications or suggestions in a comment below!
⏰ How often will you check in on progress and discuss the book. You must commit to sticking to the plan! You give in, so will they.
📓 Have your student keep a journal detailing character developments, plot summaries, and dates w/pg read.
You’re not alone in this!
✅ daily goals, agenda
✍️ work progress
🥗 lunch and snack plan
👍 acknowledge hard work
🧦 chores
💃 stretch or dance
Do this apart from the breakfast table when it’s time for work, not waking up!
What am I supposed to do again?
How far am I supposed to read?
What was I supposed to write?
What’s due?
When’s lunch?
When will you be done?
When will you take a break with me?
What can I do on my break?
When’s dinner?
Can I have a snack?