So: if the penalty for just-a-joke is getting fired, what’s the penalty for just-the-flu?
If there’s one silver lining to this disaster, all can see that corporate media operations are not self-correcting enterprises.
We need to build a new decentralized media, staffed by citizen journalists.
1) Build your own distribution to avoid distortion.
2) Every company a media company. After content marketing comes full-stack narrative.
3) Don’t casually give information to your competitors. And media corporations are your competitors.
5) The media should not be “guardians of democracy” nor “enemies of the people”. Neither guardian nor enemy, just the people. All citizen journalists.
A standing media is similar.
The solution to both is citizen involvement. If you don’t do journalism, someone will do it to you.
The reason is that Vice, Vox, BuzzFeed all found themselves pulled into the same culturally centralized Brooklyn media circle.
Different companies, same people, same social network.
Need to decentralize.
Twitter was v1 and Substack is v2 of this. We’re moving towards individual citizen journalists, away from media corporations.
That’s good for original writers and bad for centralized narratives.
Individual monetization, distribution, reputation, content: that’s how we decentralize media.