As @tconnellyRTE reported, the UK said No 🙅♂️
@DPhinnemore & I looked into it.
Turns out ***SURPRISE!! *** it's more complicated than you'd think.
And ALOT is riding on it ...
They described the rejection as "a breach of trust at this critical stage".
And pointed out that the #Protocol gives the EU a "right to be present" in NI.
☑️EU wants a technical presence
☑️UK committed to enabling it.
As far as EU is concerned, this is pay-off for giving NI free access to Single Market.
But now UK is demurring cos seems bit of an ouch for sovereignty.

The scope of Union law applying to NI covers customs, SPS, safety standards, product composition...
EU #Brexit preparedness notices show it will treat GB quite differently to NI in all sorts of areas.
Shit's getting real.
But we don't yet know what form it wd take.
Anyway for the time being it's primarily a political football ⚽
If UK doesn't play ball in implementing Protocol, EU won't want to commit to another game via a UK-EU FTA.
But the push need not be all in one direction.
UK cd give EU technical presence but ask for more in return.
E.g. EU office in NI cd have a diplomatic function to increase EU awareness of NI needs.
(Bear in mind Protocol exists due to NI complexity)
Take a look for more detail + bit of a headsup on the issue that may well prove a big stumbling block for the next set of UK & EU negotiations...
Yup, that'll be N.Ireland 👋