If we don't continue #PhysicalDistancing, new #COVID19 cases will explode again, especially because @realDonaldTrump *still* hasn't ramped up testing.🤬

And we know that we've *MASSIVELY undercounted* due Trump's FAILURE to roll out adequate #COVID19 testing.🤬

~2,000 American lives are still being lost each day, and if @realDonaldTrump gets his wish to reopen too early, MORE lives will be lost.🤬

Even worse, the *actual death toll* is higher: MANY #coronavirus deaths were not recorded, because Trump *still* has NOT ramped up testing.

Sadly, the death toll will continue to rise, even though daily #coronavirus cases/day flattened.
And our *actual* death toll is even HIGHER.

And Trump is RISKING MORE LIVES by trying to reopen too early, while *still* not ramping up #coronavirus testing anywhere close to what's needed.🤬
#WhereAreTheTests #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic