A dictionary of social movements and alternatives for a future beyond economic growth, capitalism, and domination. 📘Published @Zer0Books & with CC licence. Whats it about, whos in it? 👉🏽THREAD 1/

How can the transformation of society be conceptualized? And how can we built alliances for this? 2/

Its also an emerging social movement that overlaps considerably with other social movements – from #BasicIncome to #commons #unions #cooperatives #Feminism /3

But what are the links to other social movements, and how can we build alliances? /4
Each chapter is written by protagonists of these movements and answers 5 questions 👇🏼 /6

Lets hope this book fosters a productive debate, crossing the divide between the productivist left of socialist futurism & growth-critical bottom-up left /13

Thank you @_RajPatel for your endorsement – and for thinking of our book as a flint sparking transformations! /14

So the entire book is CC-licensed 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 But please do support the publisher and your local bookshop. For a free PDF, email to office@jhpbooks.com
For more info and videos, check out here. /end