I’m running in a Trump district. I know this isn’t going to be a poltically popular opinion or a winning issue, but this isn’t about left versus right.
This is about right versus wrong.
The past several days have shined a momentous spotlight on the inequity and injustice of this America.
We can not let this go unchallenged.
I will work with anyone to heal the divisions that are rocking our cities.
But our leaders have a choice to unify people, or to the divide them.
I will fight like hell in the face of racism, inequality and injustice. But I need your help.
1. Register to vote, register everyone you know to vote.
2. #GOTV like you never have before.
3. Join us in this fight—it’s important and I can’t do it without you: bit.ly/3gLqp12
Join me, this is a choice: #AmericaOrTrump
#BlackLivesMatter or they don’t. @EliseStefanik can’t have it both ways.
Not on my watch.