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Feb 22nd 2021
“Trump effectively is the Republican Party.” - @jasonmillerindc via @Axios. The fight is far from over. In fact, it’s just beginning.… 1/
Each of the speakers at #QPAC2021 will serve as the opening acts and window dressing for Trumpism’s debut this week in Orlando. There will be no end to the #BigLies Trump’s acolytes attempt to inject into the American body politic. 2/
Members of the GOP House and Senate leadership will decry non-existent voter fraud. They will rejoice in the violence of January 6th and call those who sacked the Capitol “heroes” and “patriots” and “very good people.” They will extol the virtues of the Dear Leader 3/
Read 7 tweets
Jan 17th 2021
We're not divided just because we have different beliefs. We are divided because many people have been fed lies and misinformation. People live in an alternate reality and it is very difficult to reach them right now. #CapitolRiot #AmericaOrTrump 1/6
We need to figure out how to reach people who believe these lies with not only the truth but a new source of self-worth so that they can emotionally let go of the one that is based on lies. 2/6
Also, the lies did not start with Trump and Qanon. Lies are contained in textbooks in the form of revisionist history. I was badly miseducated in Houston, Texas when I learned American history in the 80s. 3/6
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Jan 14th 2021
1)The Donald who cried wolf.

Donald Trump attempted to incite an insurrection in 2012 based on voter fraud.
Donald Trump incited an insurrection in 2021 based on voter fraud.

11-07-2012 Obama v. Romney
“We can’t let this happen. We should MARCH ON WASHINGTON and stop this
2) travesty. Our nation is totally divided!”

“FIGHT LIKE HELL and stop this great and disgusting injustice.”
“We should have a REVOLUTION in this country!” 

10-31-2014 (Illegal Immigrants vote)

02-03-2016 Ted Cruz Primaries (Lost
Iowa Primary to Ted) “Ted Cruz STOLE Iowa!"
3) 10-17-2016 2 weeks before 2016 election Trump v. Clinton (Polls number down)

“Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day.

2020: unsubstantiated claims of massive wide voter fraud that resulted in an insurrection.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Here is what frustrates me... I respect @BenSasse but myself & other #Republicans who were #NeverTrump from the start have gone through years of being threatened, kicked out of the party, & mocked among other things for what we knew about Trump....

because we knew what Trump would do not just to the Party, but more importantly America.

We spoke up & out when few would. Because those people (yes @BenSasse included) wanted to win politically at all cost & refused to put #CountryOverParty & backed Trump.

Now with the impending implosion of Republicans in the #Election2020 there are those who are trying to act like they are ready to lead the party and even America in a post Trump presidency by just now speaking about against Trump... mostly in private, rarely in public.

Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems At this juncture, it’s clear to explain
an old saw from Mike Parson’s campaign:
random rural yard signs to
applaud Mike’s designs to
continue his post-Greitens reign.
In this specimen Parson would take in
uninformed voters in County Macon. 1/2 🔥 #mogov 🗳️
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems The reality, though: far more grim
as school districts may soon sink, not swim
in each piteous scene
of a mass quarantine as
new cases exceed counties’ brim.
Yet the venue’s the same:
still in Macon. Why no
mask mandate? Parson’s mistaken.
2/2 🔥 #mogov 🗳️
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems Yes; thank goodness the
National Guard, unlike Mike,
at this moment works hard
citizens to protect.
Parson’s lies we reject,
evidenced by his COVID scorecard.
Folks still ask: why no #MaskUp
mandate? Parson’s post outweighs
the #ShowMe State.

🔥 #mogov 🗳️
Read 347 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
1/17 This is nuts.

Michael Caputo is the man who seems to be everywhere, a true agent of #TrumpChaos.

He's a long time partner with Roger Stone, including some involvement in Wikileaks and spreading conspiracies about Ukraine and Hunter Biden:…
2/17 Caputo went on to become spokes the US health department's new communications chief:…
3/17 For a time Caputo was forgotten, until this past week or two when all hell broke loose.

First came the news that he had personally been interfering with vital CDC reports on COVID-19:…
Read 20 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
The Trump Family turned lying, fraud & scamming into a career pathway & a lifestyle. Voting out Donald Trump in November isn't just about choosing a different president. It's also about firmly rejecting *EVERYTHING* represented by Trump & his family of fraudsters.

Donald Trump & Melania Trump
Don Trump Jr & Kimberly Guilfoyle
Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner
Eric Trump & Lara Trump

Voting out Donald also means taking away power from the rest of the family to have influence over decisions which impact ALL of our lives.

"The reliance on Trump family members to vouch for the President - opposed to former Republican presidents or other party elders - underscores the degree to which the GOP has consolidated around Trump as an ideology and brand unto himself."…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
🔥Former Rep @JimGreenwood–pro-choice @GOP from #PA–endorses @JoeBiden.

"Donald Trump has proven himself to be a small-minded, uncaring, self-aggrandizing, compulsive liar—a @POTUS who divides our nation by inflaming fear, suspicion, and contempt."💥…
"The #CoronavirusPandemic has laid bare & magnified how unfit @realDonaldTrump is to serve...His failure to read, to lead & his refusal to heed the advice of experts, and his consistent denial of scientific reality has resulted in...incalculable, preventable suffering and death."
"By his erratic & unconscionable behavior & by virtually every word he has spoken or tweeted, Trump has clearly disqualified himself for a 2nd term.

We must put party politics aside & change course. The risks...are too grave to continue to blindly support a man so unfit to lead.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
#58days: Trump doesn't care about OUR troops nor OUR country. He's been in Putin's pockets, since before his candidacy & after. His silence on #Russianbounties is all you need to know. As well as the GOP cohorts! 1/3
#58days Here's another example of Trump's ignorance regarding the #Russianbounties. This narcissist man DOES NOT care about OUR troops nor OUR country! Neither do his GOP co-conspirators! 2/3
#58days Trump after being silent for 36 days on the #Russianbounties, tells a reporter that it's a HOAX! Trump would rather believe Putin than his own country's intelligence briefing!! 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
@GovParsonMO As detailed by the gov after Greitens
sheer stupidity that truly frightens.
Show me incompetence:
Parson’s claims make no sense. His
feigned ignorance surely enlightens.

@BluebirdsofMO @classEireland
@EnglishTeach07 @jzikah
@LottaFightLeft @PhyllisMarion7
@GovParsonMO @BluebirdsofMO @classEireland @EnglishTeach07 @jzikah @LottaFightLeft @PhyllisMarion7 Parson’s tweet makes it patently clear
Donald’s virus won’t soon disappear.
As Mike plays it both ways
many eyebrows we raise.
His mixed messages ring insincere.
We can vote #LIBERTY,
or vote death — we must #VOTE
like it impacts our breath. 😷

🗽 @nicolergalloway
⚰️ @mikeparson ImageImageImageImage
@GovParsonMO @BluebirdsofMO @classEireland @EnglishTeach07 @jzikah @LottaFightLeft @PhyllisMarion7 @nicolergalloway @mikeparson County Hickory’s dithering dork to
instruct sex ed would draw a stork.
Science ain’t his forte;
later victims will pay,
but at least he’s an expert on pork.

So to no one’s amazement or shock every county went red on Mike’s clock.

#mogov 🔥 #GovernorArson
Read 213 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
What has the Trump virus taken from you?

150k+ people have died.
4M+ people tested positive.
50k+ people are newly diagnosed every day.

It didn't have to be this way.

#TrumpVirus #AmericaOrTrump #tuesdaythoughts
What has the Trump virus taken from me?

I'm lucky. I've been disabled for many years and was isolated before #COVID19, so my day to day life has changed little.

Watching my husband and our 5 kids try to navigate Trump's new world has been awful. 2/
My youngest is almost 17. He has Aspergers. For years, I homeschooled him because he couldn't handle a classroom setting. With a lot of love and encouragement from the best public school teachers and counselors I've ever met, he started going to school and even mainstreamed.

3/ Image
Read 15 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best and… apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harm…”

“Our fight does not end on Election Day. It’s the days or weeks that follow — as the mail-in votes are counted — that are most important.” @FindAClearTruth

President* Trump has corrupted everything he has touched… November 3rd, America admits its greatest mistake and fires Donald Trump.

Fire #AmericasGreatestMistake October 20 if you vote by mail.

Read 101 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best and… apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harm…”

“Our fight does not end on Election Day. It’s the days or weeks that follow — as the mail-in votes are counted — that are most important.” @FindAClearTruth

Read 100 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
“Don’t trust anything President* Trump tells you. The safest place for your child to be is home, with you. If they go back to school, you could be driving your own child to their death.” #KeepYourChildHome

Read 84 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
@realDonaldTrump's incompetence has failed us. After 5 months, rather than lead, he is ignoring his CDC’s instructions - pressuring Republican governors to follow him - he’s still not implementing a nat'l strategy...
And he is attacking the top infectious disease expert in the country. He is doing all of this to deflect from his ineptitude to handle a crisis that every other industrialized nation in the world has curved downward.
We STILL do not have enough tests, contrary to what the president claims. People wait days to get tested, and the average wait for test results is one to two weeks. Trump is sitting on $14 billion of unused congressionally-appropriated Covid funds…
Read 17 tweets
Jun 27th 2020

Pass it on.

Republican Senators who acquitted #TraitorTrump in February are going to go through some things.

Who does #MoscowMitch work for, America or Putin?

So Trump signed off on Russian murders of American soldiers, Chinese concentration camps, extorting Ukraine, betraying Kurds, selling nuclear secrets to Saudis, putting kids in cages, tear gassing U.S. citizens, and politicizing masks during the #COVID19 pandemic? Anything else??
Read 50 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
Mattis denounces Trump.…
Mattis: "The protests are defined by tens of thousands of people of conscience who are insisting that we live up to our values—our values as people and our values as a nation."
Mattis: "Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens—much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief"
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
.@realDonaldTrump and @EliseStefanik are wiping their asses with the constitution tonight.

I’m running in a Trump district. I know this isn’t going to be a poltically popular opinion or a winning issue, but this isn’t about left versus right.

This is about right versus wrong.
Deploying the US military to police our streets is unconstitutional and unacceptable.

The past several days have shined a momentous spotlight on the inequity and injustice of this America.

We can not let this go unchallenged.
I refuse to back down.

I will work with anyone to heal the divisions that are rocking our cities.

But our leaders have a choice to unify people, or to the divide them.

I will fight like hell in the face of racism, inequality and injustice. But I need your help.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
🔥We are about to see a #Trumpbloodbath. @realDonaldTrump is inciting a Civil War‼️ Get indoors and off the streets‼️ #AmericaOrTrump #TrumpIncitesViolence #AtlantaProtest #DCProtests…
🔥Trump: "As we speak, I’m dispatching THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of HEAVILY ARMED soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property. We will end it now." 🔥#TrumpBloodbath #AmericaOrTrump
🔥Here it is.. @realDonaldTrump’s civil war begins tonight. Our healthcare workers said that #Coronavirus felt like a war zone. It’s about to get exponentially worse. 👇
Read 3 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Rose Garden smells of tear gas. Military police remove peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park before Trump's speech. Trump must have gotten some advice from Putin this morning. #MilitaryPolic #RoseGarden #AmericaOrTrump
"Whom do you protect?" Law and order for whom? #MilitaryPolice #RoseGarden
now the process is dispersed for a photoshoot with a church and a bible. #Trump #MartialLaw2020 #StJohnsChurch
Read 3 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
First we muted it. Then we had to teach our kids what "grab her by the pussy" meant. Then we had to explain kids in cages. We explained why the white boys with tiki torches chanted "Jews will not replace us" while the "president" said there were 'very fine people on both sides.'
Then they learned what collusion, witch hunt, obstruction, impeachment & quid pro quo meant. They learned about real& fake news, learned about the murderous dictators that the "president" spoke so highly of & they learned about 'shithole countries.'They learned the word pandemic,
Covid-19, neither a hoax nor a flu, which has killed many of their friends' grandparents, aunts & uncles. Now they are learning more about the "president's" very fine people, a police officer supposed to protect them, who suffocated a black man with his knee as three others
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
2-"The third day of protests in the nation’s capital over George Floyd’s death began with bent knees, raised fists and pleas that this night, unlike the last, would remain peaceful. And in those first moments on Sunday, the more than 1,000 people who marched to Lafayette Square
3-"across from the White House listened. Then came darkness, and with it, another night of mayhem. In the park, protesters faced the familiar pop, pop, pop of pepper bullets and stinging clouds of tear gas meant to push back hundreds of them as they tried, again and again, to
Read 6 tweets

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