#BlackLivesMatterUK #BlackLivesMattters #bristoltaketheknee #Colston
Colston opened up the transatlantic slave trade to Bristol merchants & around 20,000 people, incl 8,000 children, died on his ships before they even reached the Americas.
Bristol became Britain's leading slave trading port.
Worth noting that the tall office block behind in this picture is 'Colston Tower', & it's on Colston Avenue with the (soon to be renamed) Colston Hall concert venue beyond.
#BlackLivesMatterUK #bristoltaketheknee

#bristoltaketheknee #Bristol #BlackLivesMatterUK #BlackLivesMatter

Have a read.....
#BlackLivesMatterUK #bristoltaketheknee #Bristol #Colston #BlackLivesMatter
have a read
#BlackLivesMatterUK #BlackLivesMatter #bristoltaketheknee
#BlackLivesMatterUK #BlackLivesMatter #Bristol
Recent plans for a second plaque detailing his slave trade history were scuppered by a historian from the Merchant Venturers, the organisation that ran the slave trade
With the #BlackLivesMatterUK #bristoltaketheknee protests this week, a petition gained thousands of signatures
#Colston #Statue #BlackLivesMatterUK #Bristol
#bristoltaketheknee #BristolTakeover #BlackLivesMatterUK

A primary school, a secondary school 'house' (here), a pub & soon to be @Colston_Hall
#Bristol #BristolTakeover #BlackLivesMatterUK
It should never be a competition in misery, but this clumsily points out Edward Colston & his fellow slavers treated Bristol’s C18th poor (white) people terribly.
"No British city is more wilfully blind to its history than Bristol" he said.
#BlackLivesMatterUK #Bristol
They often have a police guard.
This is my report from the biggest one in 2017.
#bristoltaketheknee #BlackLivesMatterUK #Colston
Here's Bristol-born&bred @Christine20Tony explaining how this works & what the result is
#Colston #bristoltaketheknee
Another Countering Colston member, from Bristol Uni here, explaining how those who defend Colston have airbrushed the city's history
A campaign to create one in this big dockside building failed
#Bristol #Colston #BlackLivesMatter #bristoltaketheknee
When slavery was abolished in the British Empire in the 1830s, compensation was paid... to the slave owners.
It added 40% to the govt budget that year & the UK taxpayer has ONLY JUST paid it off
#Bristol #Colston
Colin says the man here knelt on the neck of the toppled statue of Bristol slave trader Edward Colston for 8 minutes.
"We counted it. It felt like a long time"
#BlackLivesMatterUK #GeorgeFloyd #Bristol #bristoltaketheknee #BlackLivesMatter

@BristolCouncil said no & were so desperate for their deal to sell O&M shed for a restaurant developer, the council spent £1.4M on a boat that was in the way
Colston's slave ship captains would have thrown men women & children overboard to lighten the load or if they were running low on food.
A couple of yrs ago Bristol elected its first black Lord Mayor
Check out what @CleoDanceBaton did
#Colston #BlackLivesMatter #bristolprotest
#Colston #Bristolprotest #BlackLivesMatter
A prominent Tory councillor was so opposed to the idea, he said theft of vandalism of 2nd plaque 'may be justified'
#Bristol #BristolProtest
Despite presenting as a hip cool multicultural city, Bristol is the most unequal city in the country.
This is a complex issue around class, education, opportunity, employment & gentrification
Read more here:
#Colston #BristolProtest
The Runnymede report's main finding was that black Bristolians were less likely to have access to good education & employment opportunities.
More on one aspect of this here (from 2018):
One of the main arguments against reassessing/renaming/removing Colston from Bristol's public spaces was you 'can't rewrite history'.
Just on the @RunnymedeTrust report into Bristol's inequality.
You can't talk about Bristol's issued of racial inequality, lack of opportunity, poverty & education without reading it, so here it is (well, a briefing doc)
The poor folk of Bristol didn't see much of Colston's philanthropy.
They were more likely to end up in 'indentured service' in the plantations than at a Colston school
Read this:
#BristolProtest #Colston #BlackLivesMatter
More than all the (many) other things named after him in the city, it became a symbol for the city wrestling with its slaving past
They've always refused to play Bristol's biggest concert venue
It's due to be renamed next year
#BlackLivesMatter #BristolProtest
Britain didn't have much of a civil rights movement in the 60s?
Bristol did - & it changed the nation
You won't have been taught about this at school
#BristolProtest #BlackLivesMatter
He's thankfully still with us, so that feel a bit weird, but then Thierry Henry...

Her project to paint huge murals of the Seven Saints of St Pauls, including bus boycott & @StPaulsCRNVL founders is still there - go see it
#BristolProtest #Bristol #Colston #BlackLivesMatter
It was a particularly Bristol thing, a city that has struggled, painfully, to come to terms with its past
It's about 400 years of history & Edward Colston was a symbol
Watch this video. To the end. It explains it better than I ever could
Colston was a divisive figure, for sure, but there were many, many white Bristolians who hated that statue
Watch @DavidOlusoga's brilliant A House Through Time on BBC
The first in the series dealt with Bristol's slave trade past
Here's what the Prof said in 2017, when half the city was up in arms about the Colston Hall
Here’s @DavidOlusoga’s take on today.
#colstonstatue #colstonstatue
As @MarvinJRees tries to point out here, there’s a lot more to this...
The street round the corner from the statue was renamed Colston St.
So it is possible, then...
“Bristolians who did not subscribe to his religious and political beliefs were not permitted to benefit from his charities”
What does that mean?...
#BlackLivesMatter #colstonstatue #Bristol
But it came with a catch - only the children of CofE parents could attend.
Bristol, the birthplace of Methodism, was a hotbed of non-conformist Christians.
The school turned his ££ down
#Colston #colstonstatue #BristolProtest #bristol
There’s also a Colston Hall, see...
which until today had been the main focus of our debate.
The king, as well. No one tell Priti Patel, mind...
#Bristol #BristolProtest
#Bristol #ColstonHasFallen #Colston #colstonstatue
At some point soon.
Bristol school takes 'immediate action to' remove its own version of the statue of Edward Colston from its main reception area
#BristolProtest #Colston #colstonstatue #Bristol
Some have since been renamed, so I've updated it today.
pls have a read & RT
#colstonstatue #ColstonHasFallen #Colston #Bristol #BlackLivesMatter
Follow them - this is their 2019 take on the plaque
She's marked the toppling of the statue of Edward Colston in verse 👇👇👇👇
#colstonstatue #ColstonHasFallen
#Colston #ColstonHasFallen #Bristol
Full story below
#colston #bristol #colstonstatue #blacklivesmatter
Read it here:
You'll remember the Tory cllr Richard Eddy, who in 2018 said vandalism/theft of a 2nd plaque on #ColstonStatue 'may be justified'?
This is his verdict on Sunday's events.
#Bristol #Colston #BristolProtest
And the authorities pulled it down, apparently
Bristol rugby star @EllisGenge spoke to the BBC to say the toppling of #ColstonStatue was 'warranted' & BBC did an article about this, illustrated with a picture of England team-mate @LewisLudlam
#BlackLivesMatter #Colston #Bristol
Here's an update on one of them:
#BristolProtest #Colston #BlackLivesMatter
But what exactly happened when?
#colstonstatue #Colston #Bristol #BlackLivesMatter #BristolProtest
From @tbhrema
please read, please RT
How about what people in this city feel?
Have to add this to the thread from @travisalabanza as it’s, well, just read it...
#Colston #Bristol #BristolProtest #BlackLivesMatter
#colstonstatue #Colston #BristolProtest
And that's been changed too...