1. Value Field experience
2. Utilise knowledge and skills
3. Abundant Precautions in communication
4. Unbiased analysis
5. Use Common sense
#2019nCoV #leadership #coronavirusindia
7. Ensuring Equity is the goal, not an accessory. Think of vulnerable before thinking of self preservation
2ofN #COVID__19 #pandemic #MigrantWorkers
3ofN #2019nCoV #TheWHO #Asymptomatic
-Evidence is fast evolving
-Preprints are drafts pending review
-Use your judgement
- Read reviews by scientists such as @EricTopol
- Use Reason, principles of #causalinference for decision making
4ofN #2019nCov
-Rest, reinvent and rejuvenate
-Forgive yourself & others, we are all learning.
-Humility and Humor are necessary part of work, not luxury
-Respond with responsibility
5of5 #Thoughtoftheday #ncov2019