Admire you on so many levels @ayesha_mian1
Are you aware of these beliefs of people you may quote as cultural icons?
If not, why not aware of own history?
These are the foundations of #implicitbias that control your current thinking

1- war breaking out & having gas masks distributed in case of chemical attack
2-five years in Pakistan & constant political violence & curfews - I was never certain of my personal safety
What if everyday you went out you were unsure if you were physically safe?
(Tho, history of Colonialism different from slavery)
@ayesha_mian1 who spearheaded this global multi-sector #genderequity event in #Pakistan @AKUGlobal including #nursing #business #dataanalysts South Sudan, Canada, etc. @ELAMProgram #womeninleadership #WomeninSTEM