1. During the Christian persecution of Decius were found in Ephesus seven Christian men, that is to wit, Maximian, Malchus, Marcianus, Denis, John, Serapion, and Constantine, practising fastings and prayers,
#Siebenschlaefer #SevenSleepers

Malchus went into the city to fetch food for all.He overheard the market people talking about
A disgruntled relative tipped off Decius' servants that they were hidden in mount Celion, and had given the family inheritance to poor men
#Christian #religion
And when Decius was dead, and all that generation, 362 years after,and the thirtieth year of Theodosius the emperor, the heresy of those that denied the resurrection of dead was at its height
God, merciful and piteous, heard his prayer and put in the will of a burgess of
And then Malchus, which ministered to them, said what Decius had ordained of them, for he said: We have been sought, as I said to you
And then Malchus took five shillings, and issued out of the cave, and when he saw the masons and the stones in front of the cave, he began to bless him, and was astonished.
And when St Martin the bishop, and Antipater the consul, heard of this thing they sent for him,
And Malchus said: Sire, hereof I am greatly abashed and no man believeth me, for I know well that we fled for fear of Decius the emperor, and I saw him, that yesterday he entered into this city, if this be the city of Ephesus.
And then they went with him, and a great multitude of the people of the city with them. And Malchus entered first into the cave to his fellows, and the bishop next after him. And there found they among the
And then the bishop called them that were come thither, and read them before them all, so that they that heard it marvelled. And they saw the saints sitting in the cave, and their visages like unto roses flowering,
And the judge sent to Theodosius the emperor, praying him that he would come to see the marvels of our Lord that he had late showed. And he arose up from the ground, and took off the hairshirt in which he wept,
And the emperor entered then, and glorified our Lord and embraced these saints, weeping
#religion #history #HappyNews #news
Then the emperor arose, and fell on them, weeping strongly, and embraced them, and kissed them. And then he commanded to make sepulchres of gold and silver, and to bury their bodies therein.