1. Tertullian observes, that the sanctity and purity of the manners of the Christians was a sufficient motive to stir up the rage of Emperor Nero,
#FirstMartyrsOfTheChurchOfRome #EarlyChurch #Christianity #Jesus

He took the following occasion to discredit them: The city of Rome had been set on fire, and had burned nine days, from the 19th to the 28th of July, in the year 64. During this horrible tragedy,
#RomanEmpire #History #Emperor #Nero
Some contemporary writers suspected Nero of having no interest in the fire being extinguished too soon, since he had an extravagant passion to make a new Rome, which should be built in a more sumptuous manner,
The tyrant seeing himself detested by all mankind as the author of this calamity,
The Christians therefore were seized, treated as victims of the hatred #Christian #virtue #martyrs
According to Tacitus, some were clothed in the skins of wild beasts, and exposed to dogs to be torn to pieces: others were hung on crosses
They suffered martyrdom in the year 64, before the apostles SS. Peter and Paul, who had pointed out the way to them by their holy instructions.