Following @KingsCritCare closure due to fire safety concerns
wider UK Healthcare fire cases THREAD
failures by @NHSuk @DHSCgovuk to assure safety following five london hospital fires & post #grenfell…
However during 2008/2009 the sector was rocked by the five London hospital fires + one more during this pan-london post incidence report…

Reports of #Hospitals hit with staggering #firesafety deficencies.
Note to Ed’s Due to legacy NDAs can only talk freely about those projects I’ve not acted on or in the public interest…
@cambsfrs served enforcement notice 2016
Works completed 2018
Q why were such fire deficiencies found after occupation to the extent it took four years to remediate?…
Monday’s @mhclg draft #buildingsafetybill is limited to residential buildings over 18m
#NHS #healthTechnicalMemoranda #FireCode is maintained by @DHSCgovuk
Where is the interdepartmental integration?

London's King's College Hospital,
Sheffield's children's hospital
North Middlesex Trust
Hence potential guidance failures in #residental @mhclg & #NHS @DHSCgovuk?………
Problems have plagued the £842m super hospital since its opening in 2015.……
As NHS campaign groups along with the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) warned over fire safety in British hospitals, pointing to a staggering £5 billion maintenance backlog across the service.……
Had no fire drills for up to three years, @BBCNews discovered.
Building works at Medway could have compromised integrity fire resistant walls, @kentfirerescue found.……
..shoddy fire protection at these PFI hospitals, contractors been hit by the ‘unavailability’ clauses in contracts which means that if building is found to be unfit for purpose, client can stop paying the rent until it’s put right.
More worrying is a suspected arson attack at another Derby Hospital in 2019…
+ now add the complexities of #covid19 to firefighting and hospital evacuation = a lethal combination.…
Fire started in the A&E dept at 07:30 approx & quickly spread killing 41 + injuring more than 70
Around 200 people were thought to have been in the hospital, including 100 patients.…
Majority of fires occur in the home but over 2100 occur in hospitals
As ex chair @Nahfo_UK london I question why @gocuk builds hospitals over 11m & new hospitals without #firesuppression…

A) we have a red flag danger in Hospital buildings over 30m
B) amber alert conditions in hospitals 11-30m
So why continue with existing high-rise hospitals or build new ones & combustible clad?

The key argument against fire suppression - are wide ranging cost driven excuses…
One of the worst cases international is this one from Romania.…
Its unacceptable to have highrise hospitals over 11, 18 or 30m Or Not to install #firesuppression where appropriate……
Complied this warts & expose of fire risks in hospitals & mental health units.
Stunning even this fire expert who is aware of the extent of the issues but how much worse can it get?…
Having worked accross healthcare & following #grenfell returned to social & private housing - how many revolving door mental health patients are returned to community care with inadequate fire or other safeguards?

So why is @GOVUK @mhclg @DHSCgovuk reluctant to mandate in all new builds & provide incentives in existing buildings across the board.…
Plug & play self contained units to help protect many dissabled & vulnerable persons when discharged to commuity care & help transition support needs.…

So NHS & Mental Health teams + LA social services & housing providers & others would do well to adopt the safety tech……
Protect life
Protect property
Protect environment
Protect service continuity
But most of all prevent horrific injury or death

More than a third of accidental dwelling fire casualties (38 per cent) were also people aged 60 and over.
@GOVUK must mandate #firesuppression in hospitals or homes + effectively enforce building, fire & safety standards.
Holding PFI consortiums, designers and contractors to account!