I’m currently reading a Masters of Science in Risk Management, and I’m writing my thesis on the governance and management of Football Clubs, by specifically researching the effects of sacking a manager in football.
However, it seems Pirlo has the potential to be on the upside of the debate, and could potentially be a major sucess at Juve
- this book
- Pirlo as a player
- being a Juve fan
- the scientific research from my thesis
Keep in mind, this will be a long opinion post. Please feel free to disagree with me along the way.
The same applies to football. If you control the space on the pitch, you will effectively control the game.
- how he will coach his midfielders
- how he will develop his tactics
- if our team will learn to better exploit the effective use of space
From researching literature and studies for my thesis, I've come across multiple studies which could potentially support the choosing of Pirlo, over managers like Poch, with only Zidane being a potentially stronger candidate than him.
It seems, according to research conducted in leading football leagues in Argentina, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, England and Holland that the success of mid-season/general managerial changes has more to do with management of dressing rooms and fans than just tactics.
- Dressing Room: One of Sarri's problems was that, as a fan, I wasn't convinced he had respect in the dressing room. Research shows that lacking respect and trust from your players will easily derail a project, and make it harder to influence your team.
- Fans (often called the 12th player) are fundamental to the energy and drive of a club. Trends show that if fans dislike the manager, he is far less likely to succeed.
As a Juve icon and footballing legend, Pirlo is already a step ahead in both these points.
Pirlo clearly values philosophy and style, and more often than not tends to embody them, on and off the pitch, as a 'silent leader'.
Ibrahimovic thought he was insulting Pep when he called him 'The Philosopher', but when you think about it, that's actually a very nice compliment.
#Pirlo #Juventus #philosophy
Being a philosopher is to think, seek wisdom and have principles that guide and influence what you do. It is to give meaning to things and find your own way in the world.
#Pirlo #Juventus #philosophy
Important SideNote: Every year, AI and Data Processors get exponentially stronger. If a big club enters 2020 without properly investing in a strong data science unit, they'll be at a significant disadvantage.
#ArtificialIntelligence #data #football
#Pirlo has no experience as a tactician, and in 2020, that might not be as big of a problem.
Anyone who watched 'Moneyball' knows what I'm talking about. That was in 2002.
Check out this article if you're interested:
It is no surprise that Pirlo thrived at #Juventus, with winning being a part of his DNA. It is no secret that he understands the club, its fans and their history, which will be a major asset in his tenure.
#juve #FinoAllaFine
Remember: our problems won't be solved by one mercato alone.
The book gives more insight into what went through his head:
"I made my decision right at the last second, when I saw Joe Hart, the England goalie, doing all sorts of things on his line. As I began my run-up, I still hadn't decided what I was going to do. And then he moved, and my mind was made up."
"I wouldn't bet a single cent on me becoming a manager. It is not a job I'm attracted to. There are far too many worries, and the lifestyle is far too close to that of a player. I've done my bit, and in the future, I'd like to get back a semblance of private life."
In his defence, it shows that he knows he's 'screwed'. 😅
13hrs have passed, and I finally managed to finish the book and develop a few more thoughts. Final opinions will be posted in the next few hours on:
- Pirlo's relationship with Agnelli
- CL History
- CR7
- Vecchia Signora
- & more
This now makes sense with his CL History in mind:

As Juve supporters, the devastating feeling of losing a UCL final is something we know all too well
"However, there are always lessons to be found in the darkest moments. It is a moral obligation to dig deep and find that little glimmer of hope or pearl of wisdom. You might hit upon an elegant phrase that stays with you, and makes the journey a little less bitter."
With the loss of the mentality of great players such as Mandzu, Juve has been missing out on its iconic grinta and fighting spirit as of late. Quotes like these make me hope that Pirlo can bring some of it back.
"It was a black-and-white Big Bang. The creation of a new world, which descends from the old one.
Being a Juventino is to carry oneself with pride and dignity, until the very end, as President Agnelli would say."
#FinoAllaFine #juventus #Pirlo
Pirlo understands our history, mentality & desires as a club. He both admired and wrote about the club's unwavering spirit. He won & lost at Juventus & embodies Juve's identity
"At #Juve, hard work is the order of the day. The spirit of sacrifice is an absolute must, not a request, where you can shake your head and say 'no'."
#juve #grinta #pirlo #FinoAllaFine
I feel this is one of the main reasons Agnelli, against all odds, entrusted him with the Juventus project as the clubs manager.
A decision that isn't easy to explain to pundits and board members, but which is extremely clear and lucid as the right decision in the eyes of the decision-maker.
"His uncle was known as the avvocato. His father was the dottore. And he's plain old Andrea.
A simple title for a special man, who's cut from teh same cloth as all the other Agenlli. Lamb by name, lion by nature, and never, ever caged."
"Andrea is a fan, with special privileges, because his words have the power to get the players on their feet and into action. Juve isn't his plaything; it is something far greater. He's a President; THE President. Coming from the past, to build the future."
"I've realised Agnelli and I share something crucial in common: as soon as he wins a trophy, he immediately wants to win another. He is never content to settle.
It was footballing love at first sight, which is not guaranteed considering where I came from."
Once again, research shows that if the players, board and fans respect the manager, there's automatically a higher chance for them to succeed.
He is right.
If he manages to cultivate a strong 'grinta' mentality, and be tactically sound, I'd bet that those seeds will find fertile ground
With the rise of disruptive tech, managing is now more about leadership, rather than analytical minds.
Sarri was brought in to Juve on the call of playing 'attractive football'. Once again, I believe this feat failed because Sarri's image and rhetoric did not fit well in the club.
It was awkward, and more often than not felt like oil and water.
Attractive Football has more to do with philosophy and identity than tactics. Tactics and plans are fundamental, but they must be built on the foundations of collective identity, team spirit and a common, shared objective. That is where a 'style' is developed.
The reason we get goosebumps when we watch Atalanta is because they weave, ebb and flow together as a team. Passes connect. Players find space. The team is seemingly empowered with a 'higher vision', where teammates are aware of each other and move together collectively
This is something we missed at Juventus, and it had to do far more with mentality rather than planned tactics. Without heart, a team is engineless.
Missed passes, unutilized runs and players feeling isolated was common, and a lack of shared identity played into this.
With Pirlo's knowledge of the game and understanding of Juve's culture, I think we might see more of this.
Pirlo is a self-professed Italy ultra.
Many Juventini might note that the amount of Italians left in the squad has dwindled over the years.
Once again, Pirlo is spot on in his understanding the importance of using the clubs history and culture to its own advantage when he says:
"There are a lot of Italy Players at Juve - perhaps the most precious strength in the whole environment. As Italians, the players are aware of the club's history, and know the peaks and falls the club has experienced by heart."
This thread was written in an optimistic tone, but that could be because I am biased; both as a Juventus fan, and as a fan of the way Pirlo influenced the game.
The fans must understand this; the true transition period has begun, for better, or for worse
I have a feeling that Pirlo will opt for a 433/4312 variation tactically, but this is just speculation. We will very likely see more faces leaving than joining.
However, we're dealing with one of the most unpredictable sports in the world, and the only certainty is that season 20/21 is going to be an emotional rollercoaster.
Buckle Up and Enjoy the Ride
Because the next few months, no matter what they bring, will be history in the making.

I'm immensely grateful for the response this post generated, and I would honestly love to hear YOUR feedback, even if it is just a simple 👍 or 👎.
Are you excited with Pirlo's appointment at Juve?