The Biden/Harris ticket is a reminder of the Obama years, during which #Iran’s lobby @NIACouncil had unprecedented access to the Obama admin.
The threat continues.
@NegarMortazavi, a known Iran lobbyist is in "close contact" with Team Biden.
Americans should know that #Iran’s regime is rooting for Biden.
Tehran is hoping a possible Biden/Harris admin would return the US to Obama’s flawed nuclear deal.
"...task force in Tehran formed of those who support presidential candidate Joe Biden."

All Americans should also know that Harris wants to return to Obama's highly flawed 2015 nuclear deal with #Iran.
And of course, Tehran's lobby NIAC welcomes this policy.
Iran used money from that deal to support terrorism.

Biden & Harris would welcome Iran’s apologists/lobbyists, as Obama did.
High-level Iranian regime backers, including a former regime official & another accused of lobbying on Tehran's behalf, were hosted at the Obama WH in more than 30 meetings.
Biden & Harris would rehire the likes of Sahar Nowrouzzadeh of Iran’s lobby NIAC at the White House.
@saharnow worked directly on Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.
While she may deny it, this card proves her previous membership in NIAC.

Biden & Harris would return the U.S. to Obama’s style of unbridled appeasement via-a-vis Iran, the 2015 Iran nuclear deal & all the lies behind it.
"... when it comes to the Iran deal, the Obama administration took lying to new heights..."
Biden & Harris would reestablish a @brhodes-style “echo chamber” (#FakeNews) from the White House.
"It is now a historic fact that reporters in Washington, D.C., were lied to and fooled by the Obama Administration with regard to the Iran nuclear deal."
Biden & Harris would return to the Obama-era efforts of "secretly trying to give Tehran access to the U.S. financial system to convert billions of dollars in assets into Euros as part of the Iran nuclear deal..."
Biden & Harris would return to Obama’s pro-Iran appeasement measures:
"... the Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal..."
Biden & Harris would have no problems in entering a new Obama-style deal with Iran & the mullahs’ regime using that money to fuel terrorism.
Remember John Kerry’s own remarks: “Some sanctions relief money for Iran will go to terrorism”
Biden & Harris would turn their back on Iran’s regime accessing unmarked cash, similar to the $1.7 billion granted by Obama that "has been traced to Iran’s backing of Houthi rebels seeking to take power in Yemen."
Biden & Harris would repeat the Obama administration’s derailing of “an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah."
Of course, much more can be added to this thread.
The point is that a Biden/Harris administration will return to appeasement vis-à-vis Iran’s regime.
The mullahs’ media are already rooting for them.
What do you think?
Remember @NegarMortazavi saying she has "close contact" with Team Biden?
Here's her next to @KamalaHarris.
America be warned: Team Biden/Harris has definitely established "close contact" with Iran's lobby group @NIACouncil.
And the other lady is @YasmineTaeb.

And who is @YasmineTaeb?
She is a former @NIACouncil member who fortunately failed in her effort to enter the Virginia Senate.
This thread sheds light.
Video proof of Harris' very close relationship with Negar Mortazavi & Yasmine Taeb (two ladies in red who appear to be directing this rally).
Be warned America.
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are in bed with Iran's lobby group @NIACouncil.
You know Biden & Harris will be a return to the Obama years when Ben Rhodes advocates their ticket.
And of course, Rhodes, too, is also in bed with #Iran's lobby group NIAC.