Dr Richard A. Gardner.
Child psychiatrist who developed the theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome

In a contentious child custody dispute, three teenage boys begged a family court judge not to force them to continue visits to their father because, they said, he was physically abusive towards them.
The Grieco boys were told they should be respectful and obedient on visits to their father and, if they were not, their mother would go to jail.
It was only AFTER an exposé in the local newspaper that custody arrangements for the two surviving boys were changed.
The theory holds that any mother who accuses her spouse of abusing the children is lying more or less by definition.
The books Gardner produced on the subject from the late 1980s were all SELF PUBLISHED, without the usual peer review process.
He theorised that mothers alleging abuse were expressing, in disguised form, their own sexual inclinations towards their children.
Paedophilia, he added, "is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people".
She was shot dead by her ex-husband.
Gardner insisted that her lies had made the husband temporarily psychotic.
Part 2

They say 1% - potentially 750,000 - of American children could be deemed to have a mental disorder — MORE THAN ARE CONSIDERED AUTISTIC?
“ We don’t want to label kids unnecessarily, but these kids are not reacting in a normal way,” 1/
- Joyanna Silberg, psychologist
- Joyanna Silberg, psychologist
-Joyanna Silberg, psychologist and executive VP -Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence.
In 1998, a Pittsburgh high school student, Nathan Grieco, was found dead with a belt around his neck after complaining that his father had caused him and his brothers “endless torment” in a custody fight.
“These children need coercion,” Gardner had said.
A Brandon doctor, had accused his ex-wife of poisoning their two daughters against him to the point they refused to see him. The oldest had even changed her name.
While interviewing the girls, Gardner “was really trying to get them to admit the facts were as their father saw them,” Stoddard said.
Part 5 - Reunification- The Rachel Foundation

But the son says his experience with the Rachel Foundation was traumatic.
A man won custody of his two daughters in a 2004 court order and took them to Rachel House.
At first, “they were very withdrawn and alienated toward their father,” Pamela Hoch says.
A month later, they were doing “very well,” and even baked him a birthday cake.
She said she and her sister weren’t allowed to eat until they agreed to say positive things about their father.
“Just the first two days, because then my sister and I just started . . . making things up.”
up to $1,500/day “ professional reunification/reintegration services.”
By Professor Joan S Meier et al
“ Parental Alienation Syndrome is a bogus, pro-pedophillic fraud concocted by Richard Gardner.”
He has not been court appointed to do anything for decades.
Part 7 - Reunification isn’t about connecting. It is trauma bonding.

What kind of parent puts their need to see a child before the psychological well-being of a child?
What kind of a parent willingly and deliberately inflicts trauma on their child?
Here are some child experiences:
In November 2011, Laura’s mother returned from a custody hearing and told her four children to get ready to go see their father.
Alarmed, the children refused to get into the car, and not only were her children too old to be forced, she had grave concerns about their mental health.
[ This makes me want to cry and scream. They must have been terrified. Who does this and think it’s ok???? ]
-The judge must award full custody to alienated parent
-The children must have no contact with favored parent for 90 days after completion of the workshop.
This is how trauma bonding works.
Their problems with him started long before their parents’ divorce.
The judge decided on joint custody, with the children visiting their father every weekend, but the children didn’t want to go.
The programs are basically shams. It was clear to me what they were doing was reaping massive fees by selling a custody change,” said D.C. lawyer Gregory Jacob.
If anything,” said David, “Family Bridges made me angrier at my situation and more suicidal than I ever was before.”
“The day after my birthday, I turned around and walked out.”
She said she has hardly spoken to her father in the past four years and doesn’t believe she ever will have a relationship with him.
“I spent my whole childhood waiting for it to be over,” he said.
“ I feel like I was robbed of all of my childhood when I was 12.”