Greetings everyone,
No matter which side you pick....all political parties are Totalitarian party United States Code, Title 8 § 1101 (37) (a) (b) & our states are occupied by usurpers!
Read the Federal statute below. 👇
The term "totalitarian party" means an organization which advocates the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship...
...or totalitarianism. The terms "totalitarian dictatorship" and "totalitarianism" mean and refer to systems of government not representative in fact, characterized by (A) the existence of a SINGLE POLITICAL PARTY, organized on a dictatorial basis, with so close an identity...
...between such party and its policies and the governmental policies of the country in which it exists, that the party and the government constitute an indistinguishable unit, and
Recap: The terms "totalitarian dictatorship" and "totalitarianism" mean and refer to systems of government not representative in fact. This means both State and Federal level.
To look up Totalitarian Party at uscode.house.gov follow the images below. 1st image at the website type Title 8 and Section 1101. When you get to 2nd image. Scroll down to (37) and you will see Totalitarian Party.
What is a Usurper?
USURPATION government. The tyrannical assumption of the government by force contrary to and in violation of the #constitution of the country. ~ Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856.
These criminals have us believe we have a choice while being controlled under ONE PARTY!
Click "like" below to learn when our entire political system changed into Totalitarianism. Also, the description of the current system by the Supreme Courts.
Two years after the war between the states, there was another war that most of us wasn't told.
The Reconstruction act was a declaration of war against the Independent Nations. It was part of a military coup to...
... force our republican form of governments out to pave the way for the never ratified 14th Amendment to create an illegitimate system we have to this day!
To learn more on The Reconstruction Act of 1867...click below. 👇
The system we're participating in is not the original constitutional system that is found in Article 4, Section 4 of The U.S. Constitution.
According to The Texas Supreme Court & The U.S. Supreme Court. The current system (De Facto) is UNLAWFUL &....
...USURPED our republican form of governments (Not to be confused with THE REPUBLICAN PARTY) by a military coup via the Reconstruction Act of 1867.
Read the (images) description of the current system by the Supreme Courts. 👇
"De facto" is a type of law (Not True Law) - Legislative statutes/codes Corporate policy this current system operates on from the President all the way down to the lowest Village clerk. "Totalitarianism" describes their actions.
The Reconstruction Act of 1867 played a key role to force out our republican form of governments of the ten southern states during peace time & replaced by puppet governors (military officers) to get enough votes to unlawfully ratified the 14th Amendment.
The never ratified 14th Amendment created an illegitimate system we have to this day.
To be clear, there is NO FIXING this system by voting because it is working exactly by design to enslave every single man woman and child!
It really doesn't matter If you vote for #Trump or #Biden or whoever, you keep getting the same De Facto/Totalitariaism over, and over, and over....
Washington D.C. and the insurgent state governments are part of the New World Order, An order that is World Communism. Footnote: Title 8 of the United States Code, Section 1101(40)(a) for the definition of so-called Democracy.
Thank you,
Those Radicals wanted their own political system!
23 Senators had been unlawfully excluded from the Senate in order secure a two-thirds vote for the adoption of the Joint Resolution proposing the 14th Amendment.
To learn more click below. 👇
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment: U.S. Citizens are subject to a foreign law system De facto (Roman Civil law/Legislative statutes codes)
That is Why U.S. Citizens DO NOT have Constitutional protection.
To learn more click below. 👇
The intent of the 14th Amendment & why it's unconstitutional!
Read The Drafter of the 14th Amendment!
To vote for ANYONE in this system is reserved EXCEPT for rebellion, or other crime via Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.
To learn more click below.
Section I of The 13th Amendment work concurrently with Section 2 of the 14th Amendment in a stealthy & evil manner. When people vote & commit crime through tacit concent place into voluntary servitude.
To learn more click below.👇
Thank you,
The Communist School system didn't teach us about a republican form of government that is found in Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. We are conditioned to accept the current system since 1868 & most of us believe that...
...Lincoln's red marxist Republicans aka the 48ers are the republican form and that is false! To learn more about our republican form of governments. Click below. 👇
To learn about Proper Election of Representation. Click below. 👇
Again the current system is NOT lawful, violating our rights & our laws since 1868!
According to one of our organic laws It is our natural right & duty to altered or abolish such form of government that is destructive!
To claim your freedom/nationality...that is your independent nation-state. Be in a position to become a true land owner/domicile in your state, take control of your life! It all starts with you!
Click below. 👇