Folks, I encourage you to do some research on the face mask outside the official narrative.
Every hospital across the states are under staff & ER is empty. Visit your local hospital and see for yourselves instead watching mainstream media.
"Portland Nurse Blows Whistle On Empty Hospitals ~ False CV19 Deaths" on YouTube
"NYC Nurse Speaks Out About Forced Deaths in Her Hospital" on YouTube
"BREAKING: Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic" on YouTube
The threat behind #COVID19
I wanted to share a breakdown of the component of the upgrade 5G and how is going to attack us.
The WiFi 60 GHz millimeter beam forming to aim at our faces to deplete oxygen.
When people get sick or die from the 5G weaponry, then this totalitarian system will blame it on Coronavirus to justify force vaccination. Why do you think local businesses, schools are closed and they extended these lockdown?
That's because they need more time to install these weaponry 5G systems. Every man, woman and child is a Target.
Please listen to joe imbriano on the 5G 60 GHz.
Parents, Please watch this clip before you send your children back to school.
Now you all know the component of the 5G weaponry that's being installed in our schools, our homes and businesses.
Parents, please DO NOT take your children to school this fall or go visit the school and talk to the....
...superintendent & investigate their WiFi router. Look for 80211AD on the side of the router. 80211AD is the weaponry 5G 60 GHz! Tell the superintendent you will not take your children back to school until they remove the 5G 60 GHz router out of the school!
Also, check your WiFi router at home to see if it's 80211AD. Folks, you may not like this, but your 5G phones will be a weapon to harm or kill you when they fully upgrade the 5G network. What I learned so far our wireless network is still mostly running on 4G.
Visit @joeimbriano777 website at
Follow him on Twitter and sub to his channel on YouTube.
This is not a typical virus.
The agenda for Covid-19 is around 200 layers deep and this was planned for decades.
Check out the real #Westworld 👇
"The Big Agenda 2030; Vax + 5G + nanoChemFog + AI = All World Mind" on YouTube
To learn more about the intent of #Covid_19 that will BLOW YOUR MIND!
You will need to register at World Economic Forum at weforum.org/covid-action-p…
If anyone is interested to learn what type of system we're up against that's behind the 5G weaponry, the lockdowns, cutting our food supply, Codvid-19/Global governance, and force vaccination. Let me know or click "like" below.
Thank you,
What I'm about to share is a reminder to my followers what we're up against. The enemy that's installing the 5G Weaponry 60 GHz to target every man, woman and child.
In this Federal Statute identifies the current system as Totalitarianism. Our states are occupied by USURPERS! #TheDemocraticParty, #TheRepublicanparty, #thegreenparty & #TheLibertarianParty are all part of the Totalitarian Party United States Code Title 8 § 1101(37)(a)(b).

To look up Totalitarian Party at uscode.house.gov follow the images below. 1st image at the website type Title 8 and Section 1101. When you get to 2nd image. Scroll down to (37) and you will see Totalitarian Party.

What is a Usurper?
USURPATION government. The tyrannical assumption of the government by force contrary to and in violation of the #constitution of the country. ~ Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856.
The system we're participating in is not the original constitutional system that is found in Article 4, Section 4 of The U.S. Constitution.
According to The Texas Supreme Court & The U.S. Supreme Court. The current system (De Facto) is UNLAWFUL &....
...USURPED our republican form of governments (Not to be confused with THE REPUBLICAN PARTY) by a military coup via the Reconstruction Act of 1867.
Read the (images) description of the current system by the Supreme Courts. 👇

"De facto" is a type of law (Not True Law) - Legislative statutes/codes Corporate policy this current system operates on from the President all the way down to the lowest Village clerk. "Totalitarianism" describes their actions.

It doesn't matter If you vote for #Trump or #Biden or whoever, you keep getting the same De Facto/Totalitariaism over, and over, and over....

Washington D.C. is part of the New World Order, An order that is World Communism. Footnote: Title 8 of the United States Code, Section 1101(40)(a) for the definition of so-called Democracy.

The Reconstruction Act of 1867 played a key role to force out our republican form of governments of the ten southern states during peace time & replaced by puppet governors (military officers) to get enough votes to unlawfully ratified the 14th Amendment.
The infamous Amendment created an illegitimate system we have to this day.
To be clear, there is NO FIXING this system by voting because it is working exactly by design.
Now everyone knows why the current system violates our state constitutions & The U.S. Constitution since 1868.
According to one of our organic laws It is our natural right & duty to altered or abolish such form of government that is destructive!
I ask everyone to please read and share this message! It is imperative we organize locally and take a stand for the sake of our natural rights & our children's future!

If anyone interested to learn more about how the entire political system changed into a De Facto/ Totalitarianism. Also, how this unlawful system has been able to stay in power for the past 152 yrs.
Click below.