#Opioid tapering is "extremely difficult" for people w/ #ChronicPain, "not only in those w/ problematic opioid use."
Kurita: Worsened pain &/or function led more than half of those studied to stop scheduled dose reduction of 10% or 20% per week. /thread onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…
1b/ Kurita: Altho 40 of 75 didn't complete the taper, researchers found "improvements after opioid treatment stabilization was achieved," suggesting stabilization (whether at a dose or at 0 dose) is a preferable goal to forcing everyone off rx #opioids.
Stopping can be fatal.
2/ Glanz: "Attempts to adhere to prescribing guidelines may lead patients to be exposed to variability in #opioid dosing." Dose variability of 30% or more increases the risk of overdose more than 300%.
4/ Salerian: 49 patients on stable #opioid doses showed no evidence of suicidal behavior before their medicine was stopped to comply with rx guidelines. 0 died during opioid treatment.
7 died, primarily of #suicide, after discontinuation. Their average age was 46.5.
4b/ Salerian: Young age & "clinical stability prior to discontinuation" suggest “a positive correlation between the stoppage of treatment and the fatalities and the potential neuroprotective properties of #opioids.”
5/ James et al 2019: Discontinuation of rx #opioid meds increased the risk of death 1.35 times and tripled the risk of death by overdose (2.94 times).
4.9% of discontinued patients died of overdose, while 1.75% of retained patients did so.
5b/ James JR, Scott JM, Klein JW, et al. Mortality after discontinuation of primary care–based chronic opioid therapy for pain: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 Dec 1;34(12):2749-55. link.springer.com/article/10.100…
6/ Lin et al 2019: #VA cohort study 2010-16 found that as the number of #opioid prescriptions went down, the number of overdose deaths went up, a finding that holds true in the civilian population, as well.
Lin LA, Peltzman T, McCarthy JF, Oliva EM, Trafton JA, Bohnert AS. Changing trends in opioid overdose deaths and prescription opioid receipt among veterans. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2019 Jul 1;57(1):106-10. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
7/ McPherson: Tapering & stopping #opioid meds put people at higher risk for heroin use, OD, suicide, & disengagement from medical care. Physicians should consider these factors when weighing “risks & benefits to individual patients" of stopping treatment.
7b/ McPherson S, Smith CL, Dobscha SK, Morasco BJ, Demidenko MI, Meath TH, Lovejoy TI. Changes in pain intensity after discontinuation of long-term opioid therapy for chronic noncancer pain. Pain. 2018 Oct;159(10):2097. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
8/ Demidenko et al 2017: #Vets whose #opioid med was stopped had 2.4 times the rate of Suicidal ideation and 6 times the risk of self-harm when compared to a community sample of vets.
9/ In its 2016 Rx #Opioid Guideline, @CDCgov made "excessive use of strong recommendations in the face of low-quality evidence" (Busse).
There's no doubt the widespread, rapid, & often non-consensual rx #opioid tapers & discontinuations CDC occasioned are killing people.
9b/ Busse JW, Juurlink D, Guyatt GH. Addressing the limitations of the #CDC guideline for prescribing #opioids for chronic noncancer pain. CMAJ. 2016 Dec 6;188(17-18):1210-1. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
“#Migraine is a neurological disorder, not a terrible, disabling #headache," expert @DavidDodick explains. #Pain is "just 1 clinical manifestation deriving from a sensory processing disturbance affecting the nervous system" (Morgan, Lancet 2020). /Thread thelancet.com/journals/laneu…
Billie lost her insurance when #migraine disabled her: “There are days I don't see anything except for shapes." Visual warnings are the most commonly recognized auras, but these symptoms are highly variable, both in different patients & on different days for the same patient. 2/
Difficulty speaking or speaking clearly is another common #migraine symptom, either preceding or during an attack.
Poor St. Husband. He watched this clip & said, "Yup, that's you." I spent a lotta years in school to talk like this. 3/
A Yale study of 10 patients found 1 dose of #psilocybin can cut #migraine frequency in half for 2 weeks. Each patient did 1 session with placebo, 1 with the drug. People who felt most high got the least migraine relief. /thread newatlas.com/health-wellbei…
The Yale researchers who conducted the small, but 1st of its kind study suggest #migraine patients might benefit from microdoses or sub-hallucinogenic doses of #psilocybin. Understanding how psilocybin prevents migraine might open new pathways for drug development, as well.
I did 2 #migraine clinical trials. I'm glad someone else took this one for the team. I hated Methysergide (Sansert), now discontinued, which was synthesized from lysergic #acid. A 1965 study said Sansert users experienced a "confused feeling of unreality." Tell me about it.
“[W]idespread & variable dysfunction of the nervous system…comprises the aberrant brain state of a #migraine attack” (Charles 2017).
Daily/near-daily migraine is continuous migraine. Imaging shows our brains *always* look like brains during an "attack" (Brennan 2018). >thread
Recurrent #migraine & #pain aren't benign. “Long-lasting &/or repetitive pain over years leads to profound functional as well as structural changes in the brain networks" (Brennan).
Ineffective treatment is a leading risk of progression to continuous migraine. #MedicalTwitter
Brennan & Pietrobon's paper "A Systems Neuroscience Approach to #Migraine" (Neuron 2018) is @headsUPmigraine's favorite. I excerpted it for others like me who aren't fluent in #neurochemistry:
It's hard to browse #library bookshelves from home. For other homebound readers, NYT best fiction 2009-19 as a thread for non-subscribers. (Your local library might let you read NYT etc on their website.)
2018: ASYMMETRY Lisa Halliday. THE GREAT BELIEVERS Rebecca Makkai. THE PERFECT NANNY Leila Slimani. Translated Sam Taylor. THERE THERE Tommy Orange. WASHINGTON BLACK Esi Edugyan.
Holiday shopping from home? Support #Maine#Wabanaki businesses. The Wabanaki are the Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, Mi'kmaq, and Abenki People of the Dawn. #mepolitics#indigenous <thread>
Meherrin Outpost is owned & operated by a Mi'kmaq (#Maine) & #Mehrrin (NC) couple. They make jewelry & sell a wide range of products from sage & sweetgrass to hand drums and (aw!) baby moccasins. facebook.com/meherrin/
Even if they support the #DeathPenalty, most people think that only people who've killed should be killed.
🔴Prosecutors never claimed #DustinHiggs killed anyone, but #Barr has scheduled him to die 5 days before inauguration. Deeply moving video: /thread vimeo.com/194702182
#DustinHiggs was in his early 20s when he drove a shooter from a crime scene. Prosecutors said the shooter "acted alone," but they failed to get the #DeathPenalty. So they accused Higgs of being the mastermind.
The shooter got life w/ no parole. Higgs is to die on 1/15/21.
Jurors did NOT hear mitigating factors that might've led them to choose death in prison by no parole over execution. They didn't know he was 10 when he was his mother's f/t caretaker as she died of breast cancer. Nor did they know he has learning & developmental disabilities.