As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee @jeffsessions oversaw all immigration legislation before the Senate. He & his Nazi aid #StephenMiller, who advised him on matters of immigration, made sure that any time we asked for more visas we were denied or fought at every turn.
Once Nazi #StephenMiller was in the White House he went about dismantling the Special Immigration Visa #SIV program. He forced out all of its advocates in government and installed sycophants who did his bidding. Tens of thousands have suffered under his cruel rule.
3. #Congress passed our recommendations into law in 2007. The @BarackObama admin improved upon them throughout their time in office. The #Trump team spent the last three years dismantling all of that hard and necessary work - immeasurably compounding the disaster we now face.
(1) I had the honor to meet with @SenJohnMcCain on four occasions in my life. The first was when I volunteered for his first Presidential Campaign in 2000. I was 18. I met him at the Rochester, NY Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Highland Park on a cold February Saturday evening.
2. I had spent the afternoon helping to set up the rally and in so doing, got to meet several Vietnam War Veterans, two of whom had served as POWs with Sen. McCain.
3. I’ll never forget the moment he stepped off his Straight Talk Express Bus and into the scrum of media, campaign staff, and adoring fans (at least a thousand people attended the rally in the cold and cramped conditions).