15/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
We were able to show the value of both this new LAND USE INTENSITY metric as well as distribution of tagged godwits during hot dry summer of 2018, when much of what is now evergreen pasture turned brown. #climatechange#Dairy@RuthHowison@DairyCampus
17/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
What works on Dutch breeding grounds, also works in West-Africa! Here godwits indicate hydrologically healthy low-intensity agriculture which are likely to be more #sustainable than industrial forms of #rice#farming now implemented. @FAO@LouiseOFresco
19/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
I cannot capture in words what it means to be a small part of this global network of devoted, enthusiastic, capable, hard-working & far-sighted people carrying out near-impossible missions of investigation AND protection of #marathonmigrants. @WaderStudy
20/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
To share our stories, work together with like-minded souls of different talents, especially in creative arts. Lots to learn from each other to find narratives helping to reverse global predicament. We need shorebirds as much as they need us! @KeningGreide
1/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
Hi shorebird folks! 1more4U2go! Migratory shorebirds connect. Movements, presence & phenotypes signal the state of habitats. Let's develop tracked individual migratory birds as sentinels (of connected parts) of Earth. #ornithology#globalchange@WaderStudy
2/21 #ISTC20#Sesh9
Recently, 100 units of fossil energy produced 104 energy units of food, thanks soil-based processes. Now, 100 units fossil energy yield 16 food units, the 84% loss equals release of CO2 & active nitrogen threatening climate & biodiversity. #globalchange#dairy