I'm doing a "virtual" visiting scholar stint w/ @ubcMedCHES this week. Today was a day full of exciting new connections & great discussions.
Ended my day with a talk: "Digitizing Health Professions Education via #SoMe
I am now going to TWEET my lecture as a #tweetorial.
I began by situation myself as the current Assistant Dean of #FacDev within the @MacHealthSci Faculty. Much of my content would eventually revolve around what I've learned from #FOAMed and how it's translated to our recent digital transformation of @MacPFD.
Shout out to @sherbino who opened my eyes to @Twitter as a community of practice for myself as a clinician AND an educator. The #FOAMed, #MedTwitter, and #MedEd tweeps have been instrumental in helping me develop as a practitioner, scholar, and now faculty developer.
I explained what #FOAMed is, and how it's helping to democratize & make accessible content that may not have been freely available and/or intellectually digestable for frontline folks (whether they be clinicians or frontline teachers). Closing the knowing-doing gap is imperative.
But of course... as @Brent_Thoma asked me all those years ago during the @CAEP_Docs first academic symposium on #EducationScholarship... Why aren't we seeing these new media as Scholarship?
It's pretty easy... But since I'm tweeting this, you already know how! Shout out to @StarSkaterDk as always for her FAMOUS infographic (I know I still owe you an update Sandra!!).
And understand that your #digitalidentity likely layers on top or interacts with your #IRL identity. If you are a physician/clinician/researcher, this might mean it interfaces with your #ProfessionalIdentity too.
Also, you can read about some good practices and possible pitfalls to avoid in another paper we published from the same program of research (funded by @PSIFoundation) on Good Practices for using #SoMe for #MedEd & Scholarly Discourse. OA @pmeded: link.springer.com/article/10.100…
And there are other ways to blend #FOAMed into your life! As @RJmdphilly et al. explain in their @AcadMedJournal Last Page, you engage in a way that is similar to Bloom's Taxonomy. Going from consuming to creating.
So for myself, I scroll through Twitter when I'm waiting for elevators, commuting, and in between things. It helps me fill time between where I might pick out a new paper to read later, or see that everyone's obsessed with a new #MedEd idea etc I look for the Signal in the Noise.
But a big part of what I've tried to do over the years has been to sneak a bit of that kale in the smoothie (i.e. some learning into nontraditional fun spaces).
As @RJmdphilly et al. point out, MANY people use Twitter to take a break! @RaterCognition explained that she does so today. I do too! Sometimes, I use it also to tweet (e.g. this #Tweetorial). But sometimes I use it to syndicate great work from OTHER formats into people's feeds.
Here's an example: @WeAreCanadiEM is a #FOAMed blog that has roughly 2 million views per year. We periodically publish #MedEd or #FacDev content. (Shout out to @KDowhos and @AlimNagji for their Teaching That Counts infographics!)
We will cross post this content to @facebookapp or Twitter or @instagram to ensure that we reach our intended audiences.
On Facebook, that post reached 1753 people and had 71 engagements!! By contrast, peak reach for my talk today simultaneously was 57 people!
And we've been doing similar things for #FacDev since I started my role in Sept 2019. I thought I was ambitious in pitching a #DigitalTransformation of #FacDev in my first term (i.e. 5 years). But then #COVID19 hit...
And my 5-year pitch... evolved into a 5-week initial plan... and then a 5-month realization of all that we wanted to accomplish! Buy in from faculty at @MacHealthSci was key. Sponsors & champions like @jmarkwalt@Azzam_Khalid and others were also key!
And since March 2020... We have: 1. Launched a website for new content - macpfd.ca
Click on Event Calendar for free/paid for upcoming events! All are welcome
2. Created a new @YouTube Channel (accessible through our @MacPFD video archive)
(PS: Check out our keynote address from the Wong Forum this year @dmitripapa!)
And tomorrow we are launching a Direct-to-Faculty newsletter: @MacPFD Blast! Thanks to @shawnslocke for making this happen!! It has been a real *blast* to work with you. 🤣
And all of that is so I can hide the proverbial kale in the smoothie. We are integrating #FacDev into nontraditional channels so that we can deliver faculty the development they need when and as they need it. Or as @YusufYilmazPhD calls it: "Just-In-Time #FacDev"
Part of going forward will be to carve out ways to reward the great #DigitalScholarship and to value it for what it is. @abbashu and crew (including myself) have recently written a consensus guideline on this for our specialty. Paper is OA: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
Until such time, though, here is a story of how I created a #MultipleWin for a #FOAMed (#DigitalScholarship) project to ensure MAXIMAL coverage: ALiEM MEdIC Series!
Here is the story of the @ALiEMteam Medical Education in Cases Series. When I started in #FOAMed, it seemed to be all podcasts/blogs (lectures/textbooks redux).
🤔🤔🤔WHERE IS THE ONLINE PBL? (COI: I'm from @McMasterU, where Problem-Based Learning in #MedEd sort of originated.)
But we didn't stop there! We turned each "season" of posts into an edited volume. See: aliem.com/library for the complete collection of the e-books (iTunes/RG)
We saw this coming a while back...although we got some flack by some for pursuing this academic "tomfoolery", #FOAMed now more sustainable because some dove into creating structure & validation via scholarly pursuits.
The @METRIQstudy group has focused almost singularly on this line of thinking.
How do we judge, adjudicate, create QUALITY #FOAMed and open access resources?
And so... the journey continues. But hopefully you'll come along for the ride. Stay tuned for more innovations and scholarship in this space. And definitely join in the fun.
Dr. @MVerhovsek first introduces the panel with an amazing version of the land acknowledgement for our region and talks about her own journey to become anti-racist.
First speaker: Dr. @ajesusjoseph from the @McMasterU Faculty of Social Work. He takes us through some key concepts such as Race, Racism, and Racialization. Key concepts we should understand as healthcare practitioners.
What’s up with me tonight? #cookingforcovid again! This time brown butter gnocchi with chicken and mushrooms!
First up to cut up and boil 3 large potatoes!
Cut and boil the potatoes.
Then mash them!
The cool them
Set them aside and let them to cool to room temp! Then add an egg to the cooled mashed potatoes! Stir all together and then add flour a little bit at a time. Keep stirring until it starts to form little balls of dough.
Next up is @stones__ and @hswapnil who discuss Twitter journal clubs (#JClub). "Clubbing" on Twitter can certainly be a lot more exciting, and definitely an alternative until we can all stop #PhysicalDistancing
Years ago, I wrote a blog post (canadiem.org/waves-of-foam/) and received some heat from the #FOAMed community. That feels like a lifetime ago, and in a time when fewer were relying on #FOAMed for critically timely clinical content.
Today, our paper is online first, detailing the waves (as we see it) of those who have founded the movement, the early adopters who flew w/ concept, and structuralists who have come along to add discussions of quality, critical appraisal, formalization. atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.34…
It feels like a lifetime ago, but this is one of those capstone papers that synthesize a big body of scholarly work that has erupted around #FOAMed...