MN #opioid Work Group created Taper Guidance. It will be out 4 public comment soon. Some areas extremely problematic. Although it states NOT 2 taper solely 2 meet system or state policy; MN Quality Improvement requires Drs 2 meet MME thresholds = TAPER TO MEET STATE POLICY. 🤔
If #ChronicPain pt wants 2 try 2 taper from #opioid analgesics 4 any reason & CONSENTS, there needs 2 be safe way 2 do it. Problem throughout U.S, incl #Minnesota; is non-consensual tapering. Many experts, incl #addiction specialists, stress dangers & even state it's UNETHICAL.
If a #ChronicPain#intractablepain#RareDisease pt is stable on #opioid analgesics, has reduced pain, increased function, better quality of life; able to participate in life & shows no abuse, no addiction, no diversion; WHY ARE THEY LOSING ACCESS 2 MEDICATIONS THAT BENEFIT THEM?
Almost 5 yrs, MN OPWG fails 2 address in #opioid guidelines; #intractablepain = INCURABLE #ChronicPain or #RareDiseases involving high pain w majority have NO CURE, NO FDA indicated Tx.DYK #IVIG can help pts w #CRPS, but it's ⬆️ $150,000/yr OOP. Who can afford that? Can #mnleg ?
Another treatment 4 pain is Ketamine infusions. NOT FDA indicated 4 pain, so #healthcare ins mostly denies coverage.
DYK for pts w #CRPS w other complex #health issues like #epilepsy, an initial 5 day hospital inpatient infusions r recommended = $100,000 OOP? MN fails to care!
Minnesota can absolutely address #AddictionCrisis & #illegaldrugcrisis at same time & also ensure ppl of MN w med necessity for #opioid analgesics, whose benefits outweigh risk in their INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CIRCUMSTANCES don't continue to lose access. @GovTimWalz MN must do better
New plan!
Provide INDIVIDUALIZED #healthcare 2 ppl regardless of disease, injury, condition, Dx, #chronicillness.
I heard someone asked group if this #opioid analgesics taper guidance would be Integrated into Quality Improvement Program, being as language is clear; NOT taper solely to meet system or state policy.
Told no one answered question asked 2x. @MinnesotaDHS Do you know? @mnhealth?
All PBMs do something of this nature & plans vary. They should look for & prevent abuse & fraud, but as outlined in their own literature on policy, Benecard is absolutely interfering btw Drs & patients by using CDC GLs & unilateral decisions on what is appropriate for a patient.
Per CDC, based on their clarification of intent of #opioid guidelines; these policies meet definition of misapplication & misinterpretation. Being as @CDCgov@CDCInjury neglects to intervene in official capacity; PBMs, #healthcare insurance companies will continue this practice.