Suddenly the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration makes sense: it's sponsored by the "American Institute for Economic Research", a free-market think tank funded by billionaire climate-change denialist Charles Koch, who opposes business regulations.
No surprise to see Farage, the IEA, Sikora & the rest of the free-marketeers who brought us Brexit & Trump tapping into this latest divisive income stream which is designed for the benefit of big businesses.
It's all so transparent now yet STILL most journalists won't touch it!
A handful of dangerous, greedy, powerful US Libertarian billionaires are fucking up our planet & its people.
These climate-change denialists gave us Brexit & Trump.
Just take a look at the irresponsible #disinformation they pump out all day, every day:
These greedy dangerous, sociopathic Libertarian billionaires are by far the biggest threat to social cohesion, the environment, & humanity.
They subverted democracy to give us Trump & Brexit & install stooges.
They want nothing short of global #kleptocracy - & they're winning.
One of the greatest illusions of modern times has been to trick millions of voters into believing that billionaires, multi-millionaires & ex-commodities traders actually represent the interests of ordinary people - rather than becoming grotesquely wealthy from their exploitation.
If we had a functioning democracy, an educated population capable of critical thinking, plain-speaking honest politicians or a decent free & fair press, these greedy bastards would have been stopped in their tracks decades ago.
Instead, we're on the verge of fascist kleptocracy.
The worse thing? You think I'm exaggerating.
A post-#COVID economic tsunami is coming. The parallels between now & 1930s Germany are already undeniable.
Unless we start speaking truth to power very soon, it will be too late.
“The Great Barrington Declaration” was not and is not the saviour the gullible signatories thought it was. This interlock shows the links and dots that join it all together.
#Neoliberal deregulation & pure free-market #greed caused the 2008 financial crash, leading to a decade of #austerity which left Britain vulnerable to #COVID19.
Yet since 2009, Britain's richest 1,000 people INCREASED their wealth by nearly £500 BILLION.
British cities (home to 55% of the population) shouldered 74% of the #austerity cuts, even though care costs have increased year on year, & 99.9% of the UK population did not contribute to the financial crash IN ANY WAY.
Northern English cities were - OF COURSE - hardest hit.
Under the guise of #austerity, successive Governments introduced: crippling student debt; the collapse of affordable housing; the absence of secure jobs; outsourcing; MORE privatisation; unprecedented cuts to disability support & the introduction of the sadistic Universal Credit.
For decades, Rupert Murdoch & a bunch of other unaccountable libertarian billionaires, have used their wealth, power, media empires & other manipulation techniques to subvert democracy & install divisive leaders who represent their interests. #GBNews will accelerate this process.
The 'Fox News Effect': after a local cable system adds Fox News, voters in the area tend to shift toward Republican candidates, & communities with higher numbers of Fox News viewers are less likely to comply with stay-at-home orders to fight #coronavirus.
Oh look, as if by magic, here's EXACTLY what I'm talking about: executive editor of Rupert Murdoch's The Sun newspaper, Dan Wootton, now also of Rupert Murdoch's @talkradio, spreading dangerous misinformation about #COVID19.
The UK & USA are in the middle of a catastrophic public-health crisis caused by #coronavirus.
They are also in the midst of an information crisis caused by the spread of viral #disinformation, defined as falsehoods aimed at achieving a political goal.
The conspiracy theories, lies, distortions, the overwhelming amount of information & the anger encoded in it all serve to create chaos & confusion and make people, even nonpartisans, exhausted, skeptical & cynical about politics.
But the deliberate & relentless spewing of falsehoods isn’t meant to win any 'battle of ideas'.
Its goal is to prevent the actual battle from being fought, by causing us to simply give up.
The powerful verbalise their ‘fear’ of a dangerous ‘other’, provoking resentment in those demonised, then use their privileged media access to describe how ‘fearful’ they feel as a result, thus encouraging & legitimising the same emotions in others.
Boris Johnson's 'letter boxes’ & 'bank robbers' comments were classic ‘dogwhistles’: racist & provocative language designed to encourage others to express their disapproval & prejudice, & feel legitimised by his description of the item of clothing as ‘oppressive & ridiculous’.
In 2001, asylum seekers were targeted by Tony Blair to try & neutralise the appeal of the far-right BNP, but the political climate shifted to the right as New @UKLabour sought to maintain popularity, in the process bringing marginal & bigoted opinions into the mainstream.
Old-school Libertarian "flag-fanatic" Andy supports the death penalty & the detention of asylum seekers, is a member of Hard-Right crank outfit The Freedom Association & was a member of the Monday Club - which even IDS thought made "distasteful" remarks on race & immigration!
Andy LOVES Blue passports, has consistently voted against bills furthering #LGBT rights, including equalising the age of consent. About same-sex marriage, he said: "Where would it end? You could finish up at a stage where the monarchy in this country is in a same-sex marriage!
Andy was Shadow Minister for Animal Welfare & repeatedly blocked a bill banning the use of wild animals in circuses from progressing through Parliament, arguing the circus is a "Great British institution…[that] deserves to be defended against the propaganda & exaggerations!"
Respected historian Nancy MacLean contends that James McGill Buchanan's influential philosophy is behind the dramatic, unnerving & profound changes we're seeing played out in real time.
If Americans really knew what Buchanan thought & promoted, & how destructively his vision is manifesting under their noses, it would dawn on them how close the country is to a transformation most would not even want to imagine, much less accept.
Britain is heading the same way.
MacLean makes her case in a meticulously researched book, 'Democracy in Chains', a finalist for the National Book Award.
While Americans grapple with Trump’s chaos, we may be missing key changes, which once locked into place, there may be no going back.