Just some reminders of how #GIRFEC grifters have long been abusing children's rights, the rot having started in Highland…
"Unlike welfare, #wellbeing has no precise legal definition...The pass mark for individual parents will depend on the appointed box-ticker’s interpretation of life events, significant or otherwise, such as losing the pet hamster." #girfec#datatheft…
As for child protection...we give you the formidable Kenneth Roy on #girfec#datatheft
And here's that incriminating timeline that led to grand theft data from 2013 based on flawed 'advice' that was never subject to legal of parliamentray scrutiny (albeit the incompetents all nodded it all through in 2014 with a few cowardly abstentions) #girfec#datatheft
All the while reminaing in denial about THE THRESHOLD for interference with Article 8, WHICH IS NOT #WELLBEING but risk of significant harm, as was also upheld in the 2017 EV judgment .
Remember the expert panel that couldn't come up with a code of practice to circumvent the #namedperson judgment? Some of them mentioned the dirty C word #consent but that was never in the plan as children & parents were to be stripped of Article 8 rights by hook or #GIRFEC crook
Countless families have pointed out the incompatibility of #GIRFEC & #UNCRC and shared their direct experiences as victims after being deiberately excluded as inconvenient 'stakeholders'…
Meanwhile the children's rights champions pay pick and mix with the #UNCRC they are tasked to uphold. Only some rights and rightsholders are deemed worthy by the self serving #GIRFEC gatekeepers #boughtandsold…
Last month we polled our most recently-joined members on their school vs. #homeed intentions post-lockdown. School lost the popular vote by a wide margin with only 8% definitely returning thier children.…
Our membership has increased by nearly 600 since March. We have admission criteria and rules that prohibit the use of #homeschooling misterminology, which means we decline requests from those who believe we support the replicatation of schooling at home.
THREAD: We are beginning a #factchecking audit of websites that claim to offer info and advice on #homeed in Scotland. There are only two sites we would recommend that are accurate and up to date: our own (of course!) & @HomeEdScotland
We've contacted @scotgov's repeatedly to correct errors/update #homeed content but no response. They can't even get terminology right & link to inactive/discredited orgs We expect better of govt sites than to mislead the public 👎