@DrZoeHyde Greetings @DrZoeHyde !!
Firstly .. really sad to see some negativity round yr statement on this thread ..
I must say in our #Penang setting, we have just seen 2 cases of school kids infected; 1 from a private school, 1 from a kindergarten.. 1/n google.com/amp/s/www.mala…
@DrZoeHyde And that's why we are thankful here in Malaysia, that a nationwide CMCO (so called lockdown) has been imposed which included closure of ALL schools; private or public.. 2/n
@DrZoeHyde Yet it cannot be denied that if such school kid cases were still moving about if school was in session.. it won't matter isn't it ?? Whether at kindergarten level, primary school, secondary or even tertiary.. any possible interaction of kids with even teachers increase risk.. 3/n
@DrZoeHyde This was latest stats for Malaysia in Oct 2020.. Over 1000 school kids already infected !!
From 20/9 till 21/10, there were 587 kids from 7y till 12y .. primary school kids infected with #COVID19 in #Malaysia .. many infected each other unknowingly !! 4/n thestar.com.my/news/nation/20…
@DrZoeHyde This is will also be a reflection of school transmission cases.. this time in a state called Perak in #Malaysia .. #COVID19 cases among school kids led to eventually a total of 6 schools closed !!
Now we hope NOT for such reactive counter-measures.. 5/n nst.com.my/news/nation/20…
@DrZoeHyde Instead look to pro-active counter-measures !! Close schools if need be .. Inevitably, teaching migrates Online ..
Let the respective schools/teachers or even State Education Departments/Boards find ways to help kids who have limited online access.
This is the way forward !! 6/n
Job described the human condition with these words: “Man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7).. 1/n
This was certainly the situation for Timothy, a young pastor/elder trying to protect the church from persecution and false doctrine. And as a result, he was becoming discouraged and found his passion waning.. #Bible#Scripture
2 Timothy 1:1-9 .. 2/n
Things are no different today, right?Overwhelming troubles can cause us to grow weak and lose our zeal for #God, His Word, and prayer. The solution for us today is the same one Paul gave Timothy all those years ago.. #Bible#Scripture
2 Tim 1:1-9 .. 3/n
It all started from Raoult's study as detailed below.. 3 groups;
Group 1: 14 Px given HCQ or #hydroxychloriquine ,
Group 2: 6 Px given HCQ + #azithromycin
Group 3: "control group" of 16 from other hospital; no new Rx or refused.. 1/n tabletmag.com/sections/scien…
Then rationale of not having usual RCT (Random Controlled Test) .. coz to Raoult, it's morally NOT right to withhold a possible effectice treatment to deadly disease.. Remember, all this would be in Mac/Apr of 2020 in Europe.. hotbed of #COVID19 .. 2/n tabletmag.com/sections/scien…
A look at today's #COVID19 cases, 16/8.. 9 local cases; 6 from #TawarCluster (5 in Kedah & 1 in Penang), 2 foreign workers from restaurant in Setapak [worrying !!] & 1 in Sabah ..
Now things in #Penang are slowly unraveling with rise in #Covid_19 cases.. Not easy with fragments of info, but here it is.. Cases in Penang are basically from Kedah #TawarCluster ..
Immediate case at Adventist Hospital was case 9129, 56y F.
Proactive steps were taken.. 1/n
And to make sense of @malaysiakini report below.. It had correctly quoted @DGHisham that case 9129, the 56y female reportedly admitted Adventist #Penang .. was part of Kedah #TawarCluster .. hence not yet a Penang #Covid_19 case.. 2/n
Then combining both @malaysiakini , @DGHisham & @KKMPutrajaya .. We see the bigger picture yesterday that the #Penang#Covid_19 positive yesterday was case 9149, 58y F who was "visiting case 9133 & case 9129 at a private hospital in Penang" !! case 9149 is from Teluk Kumbar.. 3/n
Very Good Korean study of #COVID19 cases in a call centre in Seoul.. Of the total of 97 positive cases via RT-PCR, 94 worked in the 11th floor call centre & most of the cases worked on the same side to reinforce droplet transmission.. 1/n wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26…
This #Korean study builds on its finding of positive #COVID19 individuals & followed up on them as PUI (Persons Under Investigation) + checking on Close Contacts for 14 days to evaluate: 1) symptomatic 2) pre-symptomatic 3) asymptomatic
with listed definitions below .. 2/n
Findings were as below..
Of the 97 cases, 94 worked on same 11th floor & majority sat on same side of the call centre.
Of the 97: 89 were symptomatic (91.7%), 4 pre-symptomatic (4.1%) & 4 asymptomatic (4.1%).. asymptomatic meaning did not show symptoms within 14 day period.. 3/n