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May 20th 2023
Law of Nature and natures God. Image
Laws of Nature and natures God.

…but where can those be found?


Reliance of the Laws of Nature and natures God is the bedrock underneath the “shinning city on the hill.”

DIG! Take back Dominion!

Gen 1: 26-28

“A Republic, if YOU can keep it.”

Declare your truth.

A man, created by God, child of God.

If one doesn’t know who they are someone else will tell them through their adventures of confusion. #slavery

“All Men (Wo-men) were created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…”

#liberty Image
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2022
A (Non-Boring) Twitter History of the Word, Namāz ( نماز#, #नमाज़)

The word “namāz” in #Urdu/#Hindi is used for the five daily prayers that every #Muslim is supposed to offer.

The word for the five daily prayers in #Arabic , however, is salat, صَلاة

Of Persian import, namāz has a long and extremely complex history, which can be traced back to the pre-Islamic past.

The origin of namāz can be traced back to an ancient proto-Indo-European root, nam (to bow, to bend).

The verb nam (to bow) and the noun namah-/namas- (prostration, reverence) can be found in both #Sanskrit and Avestan, the Zoroastrian #Scripture .

Read 12 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
1/7 A corporation is a money-making machine. Until recently in history, corporations could only make money by manipulating matter (wood, stone, metals, minerals, etc) to extract profits. Now corporations can make money by manipulating human perceptions, feelings, and decisions.
2/7 Testifying to Congress, Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistle blower, charges that Facebook puts "astronomical profits before people... Facebook’s products harm children, stoke division, and weaken our democracy...destabilize democracy.” What!?
3/7 If true, think of how frightening and historically unprecedented this is. If a corporation possesses enough power to “destabilize democracy” for its own financial profits, that corporation possesses power equal to that of sovereign nations.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 11th 2021
#Buddha discovered the way:
Whenever you experience any #Sensation
Due to any reason, you simply #Observe it
Every Sensation Arises & Passes away.
Nothing is eternal
When you practise #Vipassana
you start experiencing this
☀️By #SNGoenka Image
#Sensation Arises & Passes away
This is how your received #Wisdom &
#IntellectualUnderstanding turn into
personally #ExperiencedWisdom
This #Experience of #Anicca « #Impermanence »
will change the habit pattern of the mind
By #SNGoenka
He dwells #Observing the phenomenon
of Arising in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Passing away in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Simultaneous Arising & Passing away in the body.
☀️By #SNGoenka
Read 18 tweets
Jun 27th 2021
Do you have multiple streams of income? 🤔

Having multiple streams of income is one of the known keys to Financial Freedom. We see this also in #scripture

Ecclesiastes 11:6 🧵

1⃣In the morning sow your seed...

It's important to work and work well. Do your work as unto the Lord according to Colossians 3:23. Once you receive this income, you should sow into...

✅Savings & Emergency Fund
✅Investments (Diversify)
✅Charitable giving

2⃣ And at evening withhold not your hand...

While your 9-5 income covers your basic needs and wants, it's usually not enough to build wealth. You should not withhold the inspiration to...

✅Start a company
✅Invest in a startup
✅Earn passive income

Read 5 tweets
May 4th 2021
A thread (Part 1)

The Law of the Lord Is Perfect (Ps. 19:1-5 ESV)

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
Read 25 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
I’ve always been inspired by the way @BethMooreLPM brings God’s Word to life here on Twitter by sharing what she’s been reading, so here goes my first Twitter thread where I will try to explain why I was completely undone by my time in Scripture a few days ago.
I have been reading through the 13 letters of Paul, and since I read them slightly out of order, I ended in Philemon. I’ll admit that I had NO IDEA who Philemon was. This is not a book of the Bible I have spent much time in; however, it is now one of my favorites.
If you are like me and don’t know much about Philemon, here is a quick overview: Philemon (pronounced Fuh-Lee-Muhn) was a slave owner who lived in Colossae and was friends with Paul. One of his slaves, Onesimus, stole from him and ran away, which was punishable by death.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
#Thread #Faith #God #Christ #Salvation #Jesus #Church #Bible #scripture
1. Faith is meant for spiritual things.

Faith is misused and abused.

Using faith on earth w/o rigorous testing is damaging that what God gave you to connect you to Him.
2. Think of #Gambling...doesn't the house always win?

What is going through the mind of those who sit at the #SlotMachines?

Whoa!!!!!!! Think of the #Internet.

Shouldn't we #GuardYourHeart?

What of #Hope?

I often think of the #BookOfJob #OldTestament.
3. Are you tossed around by the wind and waves?

Ephesians 4:14
"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming."
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Oct 21st 2020



“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up..."

4.1 BACK TO [#satan] GETTING "EVE-IC-TED" FROM #GOD'S @WhiteHouse

IMO, #REVELATION 12:12 occurred shortly after @POTUS took office

"the great #dragon was cast out, that old serpent 🐍 called the #Devil and #Satan, which deceiveth the whole world"

"This MONSTER came and worked its [WHORE]ible [WHORE]ible "SPELL" over the world"



"We're going to get back..." to #Christ

Read 52 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Without question, unceasing #prayer is the most difficult thing in the world - especially if we consider our faintheartedness - and how swiftly our attention flees during the saying of one Hail Mary & if we remember the great weariness brought on by prolonged prayer ...
... and how our head hurts praying for a long time & how we cannot do as much as we would like.

In light of these & similar hardships, it is clear that unceasing prayer is akin to death & the most impossible advice that could be given to us.
If we consider, however, that #Scripture addresses those who do all things in Him who comforts them, meaning in #God, then we ought not to say that is is difficult, for the one who offers the advice, #Christ, will provide all the needed strength.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
Light in the midst of darkness ..
That's how when we are energized by #God .. in the midst of trouble ..

2 Timothy 1: 1-9 #Bible #Scripture

Job described the human condition with these words: “Man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7).. 1/n
This was certainly the situation for Timothy, a young pastor/elder trying to protect the church from persecution and false doctrine. And as a result, he was becoming discouraged and found his passion waning.. #Bible #Scripture
2 Timothy 1:1-9 .. 2/n
Things are no different today, right?Overwhelming troubles can cause us to grow weak and lose our zeal for #God, His Word, and prayer. The solution for us today is the same one Paul gave Timothy all those years ago.. #Bible #Scripture
2 Tim 1:1-9 .. 3/n
Read 7 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
THREAD: The Chronicler’s Genealogies.

In times of worry and panic, it can be helpful to think about something completely different for a while.

To that end, may I commend to you some thoughts on the genealogies contained in 1 Chronicles 1–9.

#BibleStudy #Chronicles
Biblical genealogies aren’t merely records of history.

They have a purpose, a message, and a theology to convey.

And the genealogies in 1 Chronicles are no exception.
In a future thread, I hope to zoom in on in Benjamin’s genealogy,

which is scattered throughout 1 Chronicles 7–9.

But, here, I’ll share a few thoughts on the big picture of the Chronicler’s genealogies.
Read 27 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
“Why do you think we call the last century the great American century? Because AMERICA SAVED THE WORLD -- not once, not twice, but THREE times from the evils of Nazism, communism, and despotism. If you want a little piece of evidence, here’s one fact to show you ... different the American value system is: We’re the only people on the face of the planet, in the history of the entire world, to hold a technological advantage in war AND NOT USE IT FOR CONQUEST, but instead use it to free and liberate people around the world.
In 1945 we had the bomb no one else had.We could have taken that weapon and forced every nation on the planet to submit to us.We could have controlled the entire planet-that’s been the way of the world throughout history! Any time a nation had an advantage in war what do they do?
Read 33 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets

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