This. “The problem is fish” is a U.K. ‘line to take’ being briefed relentlessly to underplay the LPF issue as not worth falling out over - and make EU look unreasonable for not moving (if they don’t) as we enter engame. For the EU “the problem is LPF”, even if fish is also hard.
This is not to say that fishing is easy or politically unimportant (the 6-12 mile zone where boats are too small to be compensated has been a key area of contention for French and Belgians)...but one internal EU estimate showed = 150 Belgian boats catching €5m of fish a year!/3
Fish can/will still weigh heavily on the talks - because there will have to be a balance. And if the U.K. has to give a lot on LPF/Trade then a less than expected ‘win’ on fish becomes a big problem. This week U.K. dismissed EU opening offer as “derisory” /4
EU fishing states will have to accept more losses, probably, but will also have to balance intra-EU issues - so other fish states like Ireland, Spain say, much less bothered on 6-12m zone than France but have less room on quotas in 12-200m/5
One obvious problem is that neither sides politicians have prepared either of their domestic constituencies for necessary concessions. Am told U.K. industry submissions/demands to U.K. side are v tough - notwithstanding so much of te catch is sold in EU market. /6
And of course the other side of U.K. argument “it’s all about sovereignty” (as regards LPF) is still there. Which is why, per U.K. official to @ShippersUnbound a “no deal” is underpriced. /7
If you want a long version of why - and what might fix/fudge the LPF/sovereignty divide here’s thread from Friday picking over issues as they’ve been explained to me. ENDS
🚨🚨🇪🇺🇬🇧🚗🚗🚗🚗🇬🇧🇪🇺🚨🚨Brussels delay on insurance ‘green cards’ puts UK motorists in a jam via @FT - me and @jimbrunsden on a bit of Brussels hardball. Welcome to fight club - and I suspect the new normal (ask the Swiss). 1/
@FT@jimbrunsden So this is a slightly complicated story, but what it comes down is that the Commission has withheld a decision that would spare UK motorists from having to print out a physical copy of their "Green Card" before driving to EU (+EEA and Serbia, Andorra and Switzerland) /2
@FT@jimbrunsden So as things stand you will need one - see .gov advice here. It proves you have third party insurance, but an electronic copy won't do. And if you have a caravan you'll need one. And if your policy expires mid-break, you'll need one for new policy too/3
Right. What a week in #Brexit. First talk of Barnier pulling the plug; and today a big flap over fish. So where are we as M. Barnier boards the Eurostar for London? Well, you guessed it - still stuck on the fundamentals. Why? Well, here's what I know. 1/Thread
First, the talk that @MichelBarnier was issuing ultimatums - that spoke to real frustration on EU side. Things are getting spicy, but missed the fact that the EU will never walk away. They just don't. As he reassured EU ambassadors today /2
@MichelBarnier No, and @DavidGHFrost has said the same. So if this negotiation fails, it will be because it just bleeds out on the table, right before our eyes,, and both sides simply overestimate the political will of the other to save the patient. Each will have their own blame narrative /3
So. All the top #Brexit mandarins were out today answering Qs from @CommonsPAC and they were confident on Jan 1 borders, including predicting a "fourfold increase in capacity" for customs next year - per Alex Chisolm of Cab Office. Is that right? /1
@CommonsPAC It would, on the face of it, appear to run contrary from a lot of the predictions from @RHARichardB@LogisticsUKNews and other trade groups about a shortage of customs intermediaries. The figure of needing 50,000 more has been around for a while - but not recognised by govt./2
To be clear, that's not same as saying 4x number of agents, but a 4x increase in "capacity" - so more computerisation, outsourcing etc - as Jim Harra of HMRC explained. /3
So this week I went to Ashford International Truckstop to see how @transportgovuk was getting on readying truckers for the end of #Brexit transition in six weeks what did I find? Mixed news. /1
@transportgovuk Well, the frontline of frontline of the battle to get Britain ready for its post-Brexit borders runs through a 20ft portable cabin outside the caf/shop area...perfect for snagging passing truckers /2
@transportgovuk Only one problem - none of them speak any English. I mean hardly a word. Most are Czech, Romanian, Hungarian, French and Spanish no use at all.
So the contractors trying to press information into their hands used ipads +google translate/3
🚨🚨🇪🇺🇬🇧🚚🚚🚗🚗🇬🇧🇪🇺🚨🚨West Midlands’ Tory mayor warns over post-Brexit car tariffs via @FT me with @AndyBounds might think all a bit late in the #brexit game /1
@FT@AndyBounds Business leaders raised the issue in the weekly Economic Impact Group meeting, chaired by Mayor Andy relates to the fact that after #Brexit carmakers that use non-EU parts will face tariffs EVEN IF we get a 'zero tariff' deal.../2
@FT@AndyBounds As he put it: "the [European] Commission has made clear that it will not agree third country cumulation in any circumstances, which we regret, but obviously cannot insist upon" /3
NEW: 🚨🚨🚚🚚🛳⚓️🚢🚨🚨
As Global Britain prepares to set sail, @IHSMarkit port performance data shows @felixstowe_port - the ”Port of Britain” - at the bottom of the efficiency stakes. This is port that takes 40% U.K. containers /1
The congestion is so bad that George Griffiths of @plattsshipping tells me, companies are piling on surcharges - $500-$800 a 40ft box. /2
@plattsshipping This has been a long-running saga - @ft reported in October of calls for the government to intervene as trade groups like @BIFA said their members where being bit by so many delays. @BIFA_DG Robert keen is still suprised govt not doing more /3