“I just reckon we've got the very best people in this and we’ve obviously got the best medical regulators. Much better than the French have, the Belgians, the Americans have...Because we're a much better country than every single one, aren’t we.” @GavinWilliamson on @LBC
“All 27 EU members will have access to vaccines at the same time. Some countries could have gone quicker but they chose solidarity.” @jensspahn German health minister
“We're first! We’re the best!” UK govt ministers
Pfizer = American
BioNTech = German
Manufacturer = Belgian
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs...reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”
(Arthur Schopenhauer)
In September, @BorisJohnson explained that “there is an important difference between our country & many other countries in the world, & that is that our country is a freedom-loving country.”
Is #BorisJohnson right? Are non-Brits not so keen on freedom
A govt minister grinning & laughing inappropriately isn’t a big deal
What’s more concerning is how unaffected ministers have remained in the face of the soaring death toll that has resulted from their #COVID19 strategy
Watch their body language, their eyes, their bullishness.
The only time the Cabinet seemed truly ruffled was NOT when the death toll became the highest in Europe or when the #CareHomeScandal broke or when it was revealed late lockdown had cost 20,000+ lives
A Turkish court has upheld the unjust convictions of four human rights defenders, including my former @amnesty#Turkey colleagues, Taner Kilic & Idil Eser
When human rights defenders are silenced, ALL our rights are put at risk.
“This week @openDemocracy revealed that the Cabinet Office runs a secretive unit that screens FOIs from journalists even tho requesters’ names are supposed to be kept private. It’s called the Clearing House. But it gets worse.” opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-…
2/. The atmosphere for journalists & journalism is becoming more toxic
On 13/3, the Telegraph ran a article by barrister, Bobby Friedman, warning:
“Those questioning the govt’s #coronavirus strategy are not only wrong, they’re a danger to the rest of us"
1/. This diagram shows how the US & UK govts appear to have a joint/parallel #COVID19 strategy, giving military-backed data-mining company, #Palantir, access to heath data on a mass scale
Palantir, founded by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel, has links with #CambridgeAnalytica
2/. According to #CambridgeAnalytica whistleblower, @chrisinsilico, in 2015 he was tasked by Steve Bannon to build a psychological warfare tool designed to use big data & social media to drive open cracks in societies & hollow out democracies.
It worked!
3/. Thiel not only backed Trump in 2016, but Palantir employees reportedly worked with #CambridgeAnalytica, harvesting Facebook data ahead of the elections
At the start of 2017, Trump appointed three Palantir employees, to key roles in his administration.